Liar, Liar And Maine's On Fire

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"South! Come on, get with the program, please!"

        Snapping out of her thoughts, South turned back to Free who was yelling at her. A mumbled apology escaped her lips as she went to grab the tray he asked for. Today had not been her day at all.

        Everyone seemed to be all over Meg, congratulating her on saving Maine. Of course, South was grateful, but come on, that was two weeks ago! Jealousy wasn't uncommon with her but she was trying to bite it back.

        Not to mention, about every three seconds, something went wrong. Bad call, someone spilled blood and she fell in it, broken beds, Free seemed to yell at her constantly. She was waiting for the end of her shift when she could go see Maine and talk to him.


"What?!" she asked, looking back up.

"You cannot keep it together today, can you?!" Free snapped, grabbing her by the shoulder and leading her toward the exit of the room. "Go home and on your way out, tell Meg to come to this room."

"No, wait, I can do this," she insisted, turning toward the angry doctor.

"You really can't. I'm dissapointed in you, Sadie."

        As Free turned back to the room, South spun on her heel toward the ER desk. Everything was about Meg these days. Meg go do this, Meg go do that. No more South go do this, South go do that. She was getting pretty annoyed.

"Meg! Go to room 121, now!" she snapped, spotting the red-head's pony-tail at the desk.

"Ok! Feel better soon!" Meg called cheerfully.

"Wait, what did you just say?!" South asked, stopping.

"Feel better soon. Free said you're kind of in a mental breakdown crisis so...," Meg trailed off, walking toward the room.

Mental breakdown?! I'm not having another one of those....right?! Someone tell me I'm right!

        She headed upstairs to Maine's room. It was quiet and she almost wished it wasn't. Noise kept her thoughts at bay. Silence invited them in. 

"Hey Maine," she greeted as she stepped into the hospital room she visited daily.

        Maine gave a weak wave with his hand. She knew even simple actions tired him out. However, he seemed to be at least fully awake unlike usual.

'Ok' he signed.

She assumed it was in the context of "Are you ok?".

"No, I'm not ok. It's been a...rough day to say the least," she replied, sitting in the chair next to his bed.

He offered his hand as a sign for her to continue.

"I don't think I want to talk about the entire thing right now...I'd rather not have North catch me crying again," she explained, taking his hand. "But I'm not having another mental breakdown, right?"

He gave her a helpless look.

"Right?! I'm not right?" she asked, squeezing his hand tightly.

He shook his head for a "No".

"You sure?"


"Okay. Free and Meg must be wrong then. You and North know me better than anyone. Well, almost anyone..."

Liar, liar and Maine's on fire.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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