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"North. I don't wanna do this!"

"Please quit whining. You're already here and this'll be fun."

        Sighing, Della watched as the number on the elevator changed from 2 to 3. The doors slid open and the couple stepped out of the elevator. Almost immediately, a small, thin child ran up to North while a nurse chased him with a cup.

"North! North! Miss Heather's trying to poison me again!" he squealed, clinging onto North's pantleg.

North chuckled and picked the kid up, resting him on his hip.

"Ben, remember? Miss Heather gives you medicine that makes you better again!" he teased.

"But it makes me feel worse!" the child, Ben, wailed.

"Sometimes, you have to feel worse before you feel better," North explained, walking toward the nurse, presumably Miss Heather. "Besides, I brought a special visitor today and only good kids who take their medications get to meet her."

"Who?! Is it that girl you always talk about? The really pretty one with brown hair and green eyes that has the horses?!"

North blushed as he handed Ben off to Miss Heather. Della stifled a laugh.

"Okay, so they really do know about me, hm?" she asked, following him as he walked toward the desk/nurses' station.

"I may have mentioned you once or twice," he admitted.




        Della laughed while North blushed harder. The children who'd called for him were being shushed by other nurses. Then, North grabbed a clipboard while trying to make his face color go back to normal.

"Come on. We have a lot to do."

        They went and made their rounds. Room to room, North opened up with a joke or a comment before getting to work. He'd write down stuff and then he'd tell them what they'd need before leaving. Nothing was rushed and he always made sure there were smiles before he said anything that they didn't want to hear (like "You have to get a shot today...").

"Alright. Now I need your help," he declared, stopping by a cart that held a lot of medical supplies that Della didn't know how to use.

"Uh oh. How so?" she asked, wincing.

"For the kids that aren't cooperative, I need you to distract them," he explained, stopping by the room that held a girl named Josie.

"How?" she asked.

"You've been around horses. Do...something like that."

"What?! She's a girl, not a horse!"

"Della, you can do this. Trust me. Good luck."

"What? North, do not go in there yet. We need a plan."


"North! Come back here! We need a plan!"

"Good morning, Mr. North. Who's that?"

"I brought my girlfriend to work with me today! She's my assistant. Want to meet her?"


What did I agree to?


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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