A Web of Lies

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South stormed out of the hospital room. She could hear Maine's sounds of protest (basically hitting the whiteboard), but they fell on deaf ears. Her anger was blinding her senses. All she saw was rage.

She felt used. He was pretty much the only one that she trusted not to keep things from her. So she told him everything. From her struggles with North to the latest nurse drama, he knew. And she let him know.

"How could I have been so stupid?!" she whispered angrily to herself.

Maybe Maine meant well. So be it. But he knew that she hated lies. She'd rather be told the truth, no matter how ugly it was, and deal with it that way. Webs of lies were messy and poisonous; they always had been and they always would be to her. To others, they were easy to work with and were familiar techniques to get what they wanted.

South hated deception.

Of course, hearing that she was having an emotional breakdown wasn't good. But she'd rather it be confirmed with someone who knows her practically inside out than have them deny any truthful accusations because they were hurtful. Working behind unsuspecting backs was one of the worst things you could do to people in general. To South...it was worse.

"Goodnight South!" Meg called, wheeling a patient toward a recovery room.

"Shut up," South hissed.

Meg finished putting the patient inside and then walked back toward South.

"Okay. Spill. What's wrong?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"You...you liar!" South cried. "You did this to me!"

"Did what?" Meg asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You spread rumors to Dr. Free saying I was incapable after Maine. You told everyone that I was borderline losing it. You caused Maine to lie. You caused me to be like this!"

Meg frowned and gave South a sympathetic look.

"Sweetie, I think you need to go home and get some rest," Meg said, voice clear in a condescending way.

Angry, hot tears blurred South's vision. Brushing past Meg, she went outside and to her car. North couldn't drive her to work because of Della. Pristine, perfect Della.

On her drive home, she kept having to bite back tears. Causing a car wreck because of water-blurred vision would only make things worse. And yet, she debated it.

Once home, she collapsed onto her couch in a fit of tears. She cried for Maine and for the loss of his voice, for her brother's girlfriend and the way she was broken, for Wash, Carolina, Wyoming, CT, York and for her twisted, twisted self. Every time she thought she could stop, something else would resurface and her eyes would flood again. A broken record. Broken.

Somehow, she got out her phone. Gripping it between her fingers, she unlocked it and scrolled to a single contact. She usually convinced herself that she could handle it...but in that moment....she knew she couldn't. Maine wasn't able to help her this time.



South hiccuped a sob into the phone.

"North? Can you come to my apartment? Please? I-I-I need you to help me."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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