Round and Round

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"Wait, what?!"

Della practically choked on the water she'd been drinking. North, of all people, having enough issues to fill a book? No, Wash was lying. He had to be lying. North was so...together all the time. The exact opposite of her...

"Yeah...he's not...talked to you? He's not really open but I're his girlfriend," Wash said slowly, trying not to make the conversation awkward.

"No. He's not mentioned any issues besides the ones that he swears I need to fix," she muttered.


"Drop it."


Sighing, the brunette looked down the table. Why would North not want to talk about stuff that was bothering him? Just because she was "a wreck" didn't mean that she was incapable of helping other people. Or, at least, that's what she thought.

"Maybe he's just not ready," Wash suggested.

"Then why was I?"

Now it was the blonde's turn to look away. She raised a fair argument; they had shoved her into revealing most of her problems. But North had done it more...aggressively? No, that wasn't really it. He'd done a more swift manner....yeah, that was more like it. Almost as if there was a clock ticking away, saying that she didn't have much time before she, well, lost it.

"You weren't," he admitted, looking back up. "And I'm sorry that I started that."

"You didn't," she corrected. "It was a long time coming."

"Not like I made it any better."

Della bit her lip and sucked in a breath. No. She was not going to get frustrated. She was not going to cry. She needed to deal with this.

And there was one way to do that.

"Wash, I need to talk about stuff," she blurted out. "Right. Now."

Surprised, the blonde sat back in his chair.

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

Della spilled the story she'd told North in the park. Her words were quick and borderline rushed, but Wash could still understand her so she didn't change the way she was talking. One of her hands absentmindedly dug its fingers into the table as a way to hold back some of her...feelings? Well...more or less frustration.

"...and that's all I can basically talk about right now without completely falling apart."

She tensed up.

"I'm not asking anything else out of you," he assured, leaning forward. "You spilled...a lot."

"It's everything North knows," she replied, tracing patterns on the table.

"And there's more?"

She laughed.

"Oh, Wash. There's so much more."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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