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        Sunlight filtered in through half-shut blinds. Della blinked her eyes open slowly. She was tired, but she didn't know why. Being tired was an unfamiliar feeling to her. 

        She looked around, not lifting her head much off of the pillow. Theta was shuffling around in his cage. The muffled sound of a shower reached her ears. She remembered where she was at. North's apartment. Morning. And she had to work.


        She was fifteen minutes away from the farm and ten minutes in the opposite direction to get to her house. She had no clothes, no car and North was in the shower. Fantastic. Truly, truly fantastic.

        While she waited for North to get out of the shower, she let herself rest. It wasn't like she was able to go anywhere without him. No car, no way for her to get home without probably getting killed. Not something she wanted to start her day out with.

        Ten minutes later, she opened her eyes when the sound of a shutting cupboard. North sheepishly smiled and walked closer to the couch where she was laying. She sat up and wrapped the blanket around her tighter. He laughed.

"Morning. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Tired," she yawned, snuggling down into the blanket better. "But I need to get to work so can you drive me there? Lylla can go grab me clothes from my house."


She jerked up, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"What?" she asked.

"No. Day off. I already called Lylla, was it? Yeah, explained the basics and she agreed so yeah, day off," he explained.

"You told her everything?" she cried, standing up.

"No, no. I told her you weren't feeling good and that I thought it'd be best if you stayed home unless you had a big meeting. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less," he corrected, raising his hands defensively.

"Well then do tell me what I'm going to do all day. Because I'm not sitting around and doing nothing," she demanded, crossing her arms.

"You aren't staying home," he laughed. "You're coming with me. If you want to, of course."

"Where? Don't you have work?" she asked, laughing sadistically.


"Wait what?"

"Come with me to work. I want you to meet some of the kids."

"Is this Bring Your Girlfriend To Work Day?"

"No, that was last month."


"Kidding. But seriously. Come with me. I'll buy you food."

"Is that a bribe or a promise?"

"Yes. Now if you hurry, there may be coffee in your future."


"Ok, hurry and I'll get you good coffee."

"I don't have any clothes."

"South is very generous sometimes. It's not much; sweatpants and a t-shirt, but they're not going to care. They'll just be happy to see 'Mr. North's girly friend'."

"I don't think I'm good with kids."

"Well, we're about to find out. Go get dressed."

"Children also scare me."

"This is not time to pull a Maine. Go."

"I bet you'd wish I'd stop speaking."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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