The Ties That Bind...

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The quiet hum of the car filled the air in replacement of talking. Carolina was leaning on the door and looking out the window while York drove toward the nearest cafe where he could get her some food. Soon enough, he found a Starbucks that he deemed worthy for breakfast.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few. What do you want?" he asked, parking.

She didn't move at all.

"Nothing, I'm not hungry."

York sighed. She still didn't move. So he got out and went into the Starbucks. Ten minutes later, he got back into the car, arms laden with food and drinks. He set the drinks in the cup-holders and the food on Carolina's lap. She turned her head to look at the items set on her lap. When York started to drive off, she held onto the food, but didn't make any moves to eat it.

"Lunch will be better," he promised. "I can get pizza or Chinese or something delivered."

"Okay, York."

York bit his tongue and kept quiet after that. Once they arrived back at York's apartment, Carolina practically ran inside. York followed, carrying their Starbucks. Upon entry to his apartment, he spotted Carolina curled up on his couch, hood of his sweatshirt covering her hair. Setting the items down, he walked over to Carolina and sat next to her.

"Lina," he said softly, pulling her hood back slightly to reveal a tear stained face.

"What?" she snapped, head popping up.

He cupped her cheek with his hand, skimming a thumb through the tears.

"Look at me, please?" he soothed.

She looked up.

"Tex doesn't matter, okay? She's hurt us both, but she doesn't matter. Allison was still your mom and will always be your mom," he said softly. "Now can you please eat something for me?"

"I don't want to eat," she sniffled.

"Please?" he asked, watching her eyes as they filled up with tears.

"York, please, no," she choked out, ducking her head away.

She started crying again. York dropped his hand away and got up carefully. Grabbing a spare blanket, he wrapped it around her shaking shoulders. Then, he went to grab his food and drink. She clearly didn't want him near her so he was going to leave her alone until she was ready for him again.

"I'm going to sit in the kitchen, okay?" he called.

He didn't get a reply but it wasn't like he expected to get one. Sighing, he sat at his kitchen counter and opened up his muffin. As he began to eat it, his mind went to other things.


His eye sparked with pain briefly. Few knew the story behind his semi-blindness and none of them were his friends. When it was mentioned, he'd brush it off with a joke or he'd change the subject instantly. He found that people would often stare at his face but it wasn't because he was "oh so attractive" as he often joked. No, they were looking at scarred skin and a milky white eye.

Now Tex was indeed connected to the injury. But even the thought of her caused his face to hurt and his breath to leave him. So why couldn't he make the thought leave his mind?


Carolina sat up and wiped the water from her eyes.

"York?" she called.

No reply.

"York? C'mon, this isn't funny."






(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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