No Sign

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"Maine! I'm home!" South called, pushing open the door with her back.

Upon entry, she found that her boyfriend was "reading" the book she'd given him on sign language while Omicron, his chameleon, crawled on his shoulders. South laughed and set down the bags of groceries on the table.

"What are you and little Omi up to?" she teased, picking the reptile up off of his shoulder and letting it crawl onto her blue shirt.

There was a low, growly "Maine Noise" in reply.

"I don't speak growl, Maine. We've been over this," she replied coolly, replacing Omicron back on his perch.

Maine grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note to her. She frowned but didn't say anything.

He should be at least trying to sign it.

When he finished, she picked it up and read it aloud.

"Dear South, please call Omicron by his full name. Also, I don't like sign language. I give up for the day. Love, Maine. P.S. What's for dinner?"

Sighing, she gently closed the sign language book and set it to the side. She couldn't exactly force him to learn it, could she?

"Pasta for dinner," she mumbled, running a hand through her hair.

'Good' he signed.

She smiled. Okay, so maybe he did learn something.

"Did Wyoming take you to the library?" she asked, turning to get a pot out.

He tapped on the counter. Turning, her cheeks grew red with embarrassment. She'd forgotten briefly that he couldn't speak.

"Sorry," she apologized.


"How long did you stay?"

He held up five fingers.

"You know the signs for time," she reprimanded, crossing her arms.

She saw his jaw clench.

"Maine," she warned, raising an eyebrow.

'Five minutes.'

"Thank you. You can use your whiteboard from now on," she replied, filling the pot with water. "Why only five minutes?"

While she got the heat on to boil the water, Maine squeaked away on the whiteboard. Another tap called her attention back to him.

Kids were sad I couldn't read to them...made me upset :(

South left the kitchen and walked over to him, now sitting on the couch and petting Omicron. She sat beside him, boiling water forgotten, and rested her head on his shoulder. Omicron crawled onto her hand.

"I know it's hard right now. We'll get adjusted though, I promise. I mean, you're already learning sign language so why not teach it to the kids? Wyoming would totally let you do that," she suggested, watching the reptile climb up her arm.

She waited for his reply but he didn't offer one.

Not a word.

Not a sound.

Not even a sign.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth:))

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