An Argument-Filled Affray

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"South, please, calm down just a little bit, okay? Everything's going to be okay."

        When CT's words were answered with more sobs, she sighed softly. South had texted her best friend that she needed someone to come and cry on. CT, having finished her shift at work, was more than happy to come and try to comfort her best friend. However, she wasn't getting much of anywhere.

"Wha-What time is it?" South hiccupped.

"Around 6, why?" CT asked, looking at her phone.

"North'll be back soon!" South gasped, springing up from the couch. "I have to pull myself together!"

"Woah, wait. Why?" the vet asked, grabbing her friend's arm.

"He and I were arguing earlier, that's why I'm like this! North never yells at me," the blonde sniffled.

"North put you in this?" CT asked sharply.

"Yes! I'm going to my room, if he shows up, stall him until I get out!" South called, going into her bedroom.

CT looked at the door.

"Oh, I'll do more than stall him," she growled, crossing her arms.


        Quite a while later, South still had not come out of her room. CT didn't mind, she merely paced in front of the door. Until she heard a knock. Then, in one swift move, she opened the door, stepped through, shut it and pushed North back a little, chest to chest. Then, as best she could with her small height, she looked him in the eye.

"Hi," he greeted cautiously, backing up a few steps.

"Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Salut. Hola. Howdy. How you doing?" she snapped, following his steps.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You happened!" she snapped, poking his chest. "You broke your sister and she's my best friend!"

"Woah, wait. I did not break her."

"You yelled at her?"


"She's crying because of that!"

"I didn't mean to make her cry!"

"You don't yell at someone who is emotionally unstable! Don't you know that?!"

"Of course, but she's my sister, I know her the best, don't I?!"

"Family doesn't always know best!"

"Care to share that story?!"

"Not in this paticular moment, no!"

"Why are you so mad over this?"

"My best friend is a broken, sobbing mess because of someone, namely one who she thought she could trust, who lied to her. She hates that, but you probably already knew that and ignored it anyway."

"She's being overdramatic!"

"So?! Sometimes you have to let people get the overdramatic emotions out before they come back down to Earth. I would know because no one ever has let me do that!"

"Is this about you or her?"

"It's about letting no one end up like me."

"What happened to you?"

"That's not important right now. What's important is your sister and getting her fixed up because clearly she's not and you are not helping that situation."

CT was now following him with every step he took backwards, which worked pretty well.


"CT watch--"

        She tripped on a doormat that was next to South's apartment. Her brain registered her falling onto North, who caught her and then lost his balance and then fell onto the floor with her following. Her brain registered the way he held her, as if she was going to die if her didn't. 

Her brain didn't fully register that his lips were on hers.

        She relaxed into the kiss, even though half of her brain was kicking her for doing so. Then, with wide eyes, they both broke apart at the same time, his hands gripping onto her upper arms to steady her.  Neither wanted to speak, but they both knew they had to.

"Well..." she started breathlessly.

"That was...uh..."




"Aren't you, uh, dating Della?"

"Uh, yeah. It's not going so well though. I don't think we click romantically. It's more like a platonic click we have. I don't know though."


"I'm glad I caught you. I, uh, don't really wanna make it weird but I think I'm past that point....I kinda liked that."

CT blushed heavily.

"And I don't wanna make it weird but I liked it too. But Della..." she trailed off.

"I'll talk to her tonight or tomorrow at the latest," he promised. 


"One other little question though..."

"Yeah, sure?"

"Can we do that again? Minus the falling? And on purpose?"

"I think we can do that..."


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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