Caught Up

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"So what do you like on your pizza?"

"Just plain cheese or pepperoni. Whatever works best for you."

"Della, I'm inviting you over. Therefore, you get to pick."

"Seriously, North. I really don't care. I'll be there in like five."

"Alright. See you in a few."

"Ok, bye."

        Shaking her head as she hung up, Della pulled back into traffic. She'd stopped at the store to get some water and was just getting ready to finish the commute to North's. Carolina's run had left her a little shaky, weak and, not to mention, a tad dizzy. Well, maybe she was understating. 

        Okay, the run left her completely drained. Lylla had pointed out not one, but several mistakes in the pairings she'd been working on earlier. Delilah Ware did not make genetics mistakes unless things were wrong. But just one run with Carolina couldn't have thrown her off that much. Delilah Ware did not take challenges lightly.

        Lylla gave her the advice (or rather, instructed her) to go to the store and pick up something before she drove to North's. However, Lylla meant something as in food while Della translated it as anything in the entire store. Settling on a water bottle, she sipped it as she drove, shaky hands sometimes causing it to spill over the edge.

Just get to North's. Then, you can eat and everything will be fine. Everything is fine. You're fine. Quit overreacting. It's just a minor thing; you haven't been running for a while and obviously it's showing. Just relax and get to North's safetly.

        She pulled into North's apartment complex and parked. Gathering her things from the passenger seat, she got out and started toward his apartment. Number 10. Ground floor. Usually able to see South above in her apartment; 20. 

        Knocking lightly, she waited patiently outside the door of apartment 10.

"Hey!" North greeted, smiling and pulling her in for a hug.

"Oh, hey!" she replied, the sudden change of position making her dizzy all over again.

Snap. Out. Of. It.

"Come on in. Pizza is on it's way but it should still be about 10 minutes or so," he said happily, shutting the door behind her as she wobbled inside.

"Oh, uh, awesome," she replied, blinking to try and focus.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "You're pale and shaky."

"Just a bit weak from the run with Carolina," she replied, lightly balancing herself off of the table seperating the living room and kitchen.

"Wait, when did you go for a run? I thought you were working all day," he interrupted, holding her elbow to stabilize her.

"During my lunch break," she replied, half-mumbling.

"Did you eat lunch?"

"Would you believe me if I said yes?"

"Not in your state."

"No, I didn't."

"Here, just stay put and I'll go get you something to eat until pizza gets here. You can't function on empty, Della," he half-scolded.

"I didn't want to disappoint Carolina!" she protested, watching him walk toward the kitchen.

"Carolina wouldn't have cared, Della. You won't dissapoint anyone by saying no. York might've thrown that thought off for you, but hey, you can trust me, right?" he corrected, laughing lightly as he dug through his pantry.

After a few seconds of silence, North turned around to see why Della hadn't answered.


        The mumble had hardly left her mouth when she collapsed. North dropped what he'd been holding and rushed over to the fallen girl. Luckily, he had carpet where she fell and she hadn't hit her head so hopefully there wouldn't be a concussion.

What do I do?!

"Della?! Della, can you hear me?! Please wake up!" he shouted, scrambling for a pulse on her wrist.

North got no reply and his thoughts were scrambled into a mess of instincts and panic. So he did the only thing he could think of.

"Hello?! South?! Look, I know you're home and I need you to come down to my apartment now! Della collapsed and she's unconscious on the floor! NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!"


(Disclaimer: I do not own the Red VS Blue characters, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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