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“Gamma, where’s Maine?”

Sighing, the owner of the cat did not get a reply to his question, only a twitch of the sleeping cat’s tail. They needed to close the library soon and to his knowledge, Maine was still shelving books. The library was quite large and Wyoming didn’t feel like roaming the entire place.

“Maine? Mate, we should be closing up soon,” he called, looking around.

The sound of a book thudding on the floor directed the librarian toward the historical fiction section. At the end of the row, a tank of a man balanced several books precariously in his palm while trying to get another to fit on the shelf. Wyoming sighed and walked up to him.

“You know you can do more than one trip, right?” he asked, taking the stack from the other man.

“Weak,” Maine grumbled.

“Yes, because I would assume that you’re the weak one,” Wyoming muttered, eyeing the 6’7 giant.


Maine wasn’t huge on talking in general; most people were scared to interact with him. But, after he started working at the library with Wyoming, he had to gain more social skills. Wyoming put him to work in the kids section first. The younger kids were wary of him at first, but they warmed up to him once the older kids started to ask questions about the tattoo on his forearm.

The lightbulb went off in Wyoming’s head and he started having Maine read to the kids. It was kind of odd the way that the small kids would crowd around the large man, but somehow it worked. That was probably the only time you would hear Maine talk in full sentences. Usually, one-word replies got him by, but books didn’t work like that. Nowadays, he talks to the kids like normal, but still isn’t huge on holding conversations with his friends. They don’t mind though. Usually someone (South) is chatting all the time.

“Alright, I do believe we are finished,” Wyoming declared, handing off the last book.


“Would you mind fetching Gamma’s carrier? I left it in the office this morning,” the smaller man asked, starting away from the row.

He heard a “Maine Noise” in reply. Shrugging and walking to the front, he flipped the sign, declaring the library closed. Next he walked to the counter where he found Maine trying to push Gamma into the carrier. Wyoming sighed and walked over to the cat.

“Gamma. Get in the carrier,” he coaxed, moving Maine’s hands.

Almost instantly, the long-haired cat padded into the carrier and curled up inside of it. Maine huffed in frustration and crossed his arms. Closing the carrier, Wyoming grabbed the rest of his things in preparation to leave.

“He’s never quite liked you, hm?”

“Stubborn cat.”

“Wow, two words. Good show, mate.”

“British idiot.”

“Okay, that was harsh, but I deserved it.”

Locking up the library, the two started down the sidewalk to their cars. Both would be going to dinner with their friends tonight, but they had a few hours until then. Besides, if anyone showed up with cat hair on their clothes again, South might have a mental breakdown. And no one needs another one of those.

“Don’t forget about dinner tonight.”


“And there’s a new girl coming so please try to make conversation.

“No promises.”



“Be nice to her.”

“I’ll try.”


“I’ll be nice.”

“That’s the spirit! See you at 7.”


(Disclaimer: I do not own the Red Vs Blue characters, they belong to the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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