A Sadistic Love Story

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"Lina! Hey, I'm here! It's six! Open the door?"


"Lina, you in there? Hey, I need you to answer me."


"Carolina, I've got your spare key. Last warning before I come in!"

        York fiddled with the lock on the door when he got no reply. Through the door, he could hear muffled birds chirping. No, not chirping. Screeching was a better term. He could've sworn he heard a muffled Please, stop! but he was hoping that it was his imagination.

        He got the door to unlock and he swung it open slowly. The noise of birds screeching grew in volume. York winced and looked to see two birdcages with bickering parakeets? He didn't know what type of bird they were. All he knew was that they wouldn't shut up.

"Lina? Carolina?" he called, walking toward the half-shut bedroom door.

"York? I'll--ow!--be out in a sec."

        Ignoring her response, he opened the door. Carolina was practically curled up in a ball on the floor. Her green eyes were squeezed shut and her hands were pressing at her head. She seemed to be breathing harder than normal even though she'd left work awhile ago.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"Not so loud!" she pleaded, curling up even tighter.

"Sorry," he whispered, sitting next to her. "What's wrong?"

"They won't stop," she said under her breath, clearly trying not to cry or scream.

"Who's they?" he asked, trying to get her to uncurl herself. "Here, do you wanna sit up?"

"No! Wait...just...I need a minute," she gasped, grabbing her head again. "The birds. They won't stop."

"I won't move you," he assured. "Why are they...making noise?"

"I don't know! CT gave them to me as a 'project'. Take the birds, she said. They'll be fun, she said. Ever since I got home, they won't quit screaming. And I knocked my head off of the bar today when I was helping some idiot lift so I already had a headache and then I came home and they won't stop!" she explained.

"Let me go call CT and then she can come take them back."


"Lina, you're on the floor, practically in tears, because of a headache caused by demon birds."

"I can keep them, I promise! I just...need time to figure out what's wrong with them! Don't call her."

"Can you even move?"

"If I said yes would you believe me?"

"Not now."

"Then no, not by myself at least."

"Okay. How about I go cover the birds with a sheet and see if that'll shut them up long enough for me to carry you to my car and we'll go to my apartment?"

"I thought we were going to see that movie you wanted to see?"

"You have a really bad headache. I am not taking you to a movie where that will get worse."

"I'm not three, York."

"I already knew that because you aren't crying yet."

"I do not cry. Ever."

"Okay. Now can I get you out of here?"

"No, I can---OW, STOP....I mean, yes please."

        York grabbed a blanket off of the bed and wrapped it around her the best he could. After all, when he got headaches, all he wanted was a blanket and someone to cuddle, but then again...it was Carolina. But she didn't protest so he left her on the floor and went back into the Demon Bird Room.

"Would you two just shut up?! For like, two, three seconds?!" he snapped, throwing a nearby towel overtop of the cages.

        They did indeed stop. For approximately two seconds. Then they started chirping, not screeching. It wasn't loud, but it was rather annoying.

"I'll take what I can get," he muttered, walking back to Carolina.

"My head...hurts," she whined, pulling the blanket over her shoulders.

"It's quiet at my place. Do you need anything from here?" he asked, keeping his voice quiet.

"Nothing that I can't just borrow from you," she mumbled.

"Okay," he laughed softly, carefully scooping her up, blanket and all.

"Ow," she whimpered, resting her head on his forearm.

"You're about 10x more adorable when you're half-asleep," he teased, shifting her to one arm while he opened the door and locked it behind them.

"I'm still scary," she insisted, hitting his chest weakly.

"Very scary, Lina. I'm sorry I ever doubted you," he assured, stifling a laugh.

"Don't forget it."


York had to bite back another laugh at poor, in pain Carolina.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Red VS Blue, they are owned by the lovely people at RoosterTeeth :))

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