CHAPTER 41: Now Heroes!

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Lisa's P.O.V

I found myself in Justin's arms, soaring through the air when I woke up. "Hey Sunshine," He greeted adorably when he noticed that my eyes were open. I felt a tinge of excitement and I smiled at him with my eyes. It did feel like the total perfect romantic situation and again, I just wanted to reach to him and kiss him till eternity.

Just as I was about to slip totally into the daydream... wait, nightdream, I heard a loud scream from below. It was short, sharp and high-pitched. It was surely the scream of a woman and it sounded like danger.

"Did you hear that?" Justin stopped flying abruptly.

"Yeah... why?" He asked.

It was really dark and I should've felt scared but I didn't. I was attracted to the sure danger that was below. "It was a shriek. Someone's in danger." I stated and pursed my lips.

"Alright... so, what do you want us to do?" He asked incuriously.

"We should go save 'em." I suggested. The look on his face told me that he didn't approve.

"We've gotten into enough trouble for a night already, don't you think so?"

We really had. I just hoped the principal wasn't going to have a heart-attack when he sees what happened to his precious school. I felt my conscience pinch me, "Yeah we have..." I agreed. "But. Please... come on. That person needs our help and we're probably the person's only hope. Won't you love to save a life for once at least?" I asked and looked into his eyes, pleading.

"The person has probably already called 911. Why should we stick our asses into the police's business?"

"What if she hasn't? Let's just do it."

"Ugh! Alright..." He finally agreed but reluctantly. "But we gotta be quick."

"Yay!" I was so glad that we were finally going to save someone. I always wanted to be a hero, or better; a superhero. And I wasn't gonna blow up my first opportunity.

"This is going to be another rough ride. I hope you're ready for it."

"Only if you carry me on your back" I said and smirked. He agreed and quickly placed me on his back. 'Yes!!' I celebrated triumphantly in my mind. I placed my arms through his underarms in a hugging manner. It was the closest I had ever been to Justin and it felt like pure paradise. His chest felt so muscular.

"You're ready to go save the world?" He interrupted my thoughts and smirked.

"Stop teasing me," I whined. I placed my cheek on his. I felt like locking lips with him for the third time. It was so saddening that in a matter of seconds, he was going to be flying down with frightening speed.

"Hang on tight." And he flew down.

We landed on the sidewalk of a road. The whole neighborhood was deserted outside because it was so deep in the night and everyone was in deep sleep. I felt kinda bad for Justin; if I hadn't bothered him, maybe by now he'd have been fighting Superman. 😆😆

But the streetlights were on so the whole place was bright.

"Shut up or you'll give me a reason to shoot you." I heard a voice say from an alley close by. It sounded pretty gruff.

Justin signaled me to walk stealthily with him and we did until we got to the edge of a building beside which was the alley the sound came from. We peeked into the alley and I saw a man gripping a defenseless lady by her hands with his car's boot open. I knew instinctively that he was trying to kidnap her. She was struggling to free herself from his powerful grip but it was all in vain.

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