CHAPTER 59: Regrets.

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Justin's P.O.V

I woke up by 6:30.a.m. The alarm was so irritating, I snoozed it up to a thousand times. When I finally rose from bed, I went to take my bath.

Last night was long and so crazy.

From the ruthless massacres to the last kiss that luckily didn't last long. I'd say it's like a tradition for Lisa and I to smooch after every mission... like, every mission. Crazy, right? But I had to stop it.

Believe me, I was pretty confounded about it all—Anastasia or Lisa. I couldn't understand what my heart really wanted. I couldn't get it. You may call it playing but I called it exploring my options.

This was the pattern: during the day, it was all Ana and then, at night, it was Lisa. My heart was all jumbled up and I was literally the sole cause of all this confusion.

I probably already told you that I wasn't going to give two shits about Coyde anymore. Besides, it's been so long since he last attacked me so I'm guessing he realized that he was just wasting his time and resources.

Besides, Lisa was my goddamn cousin; I couldn't possibly date my cousin now, could I? Plus, you know those sparks that fly when you experience love at first sight? Well, it happened the very first time Anastasia and I met. Staring into those fiery emerald green eyes of hers, I knew spontaneously that we were made for each other. But why I still chose to 'explore my options,' I don't know. I guess it's because she was hot and also a freaking great kisser.

Now, thanks to my stupidity, I just screwed myself up and left Lisa heartbroken.

I really don't know what I was expecting from smooching her so passionately almost every night. She was definitely going to fall for me or already did. That wasn't what I wanted. I just wanted a bit of fun. Damn I'm so stupid!

I stood under the cold shower and bathed slowly with every inch of my heart pounding in regret.


Lisa didn't talk to me. Even our long walk to school was filled with nothing but noise generated by bypassing cars. It was torturous and I just couldn't grasp enough courage to start a conversation. It was so bad; she didn't even turn to look at me.

Immediately we got to school, both of us parted our separate ways: her going to arrange her locker or something, me... going to find Anastasia.


Anastasia's P.O.V (A Monday Later.)

After cheerleading practice, I headed down the halls. We ended practice pretty late so basically everyone else had gone home.

Lisa looked so stone-faced today. Damn, she was so irritable; I had to keep my distance but when I asked her what was up, she it was nothing. She's really changed lately and I feel our bond weakening. Lisa before will tell me literally everything but now, she just told me "nothing."

Heading to the school's entrance and also exit, I took a left turn and spotted someone standing by in front of the glass door. Gazing closely for some seconds, I finally recognized the person—it was daddy! He looked so beat up; I could even notice it from afar.

It was like the first time I was seeing him dressed so casually outside of the house. He kept a straight face as we both stood, frozen.

I was extremely flustered so I just turned back and prepared to retreat.

"Ana..." He called me softly from across the hall. He sounded so damn miserable.

I closed my eyes, trying to shut his voice outta my head. What he did was too grave to be forgiven in a month... talk less of a mere week.

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