CHAPTER 1: You Float?

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Michelle's P.O.V

Two days after the operation, I was discharged from the hospital and my husband, Davis Cole took the baby and I home then I slumped on the bed and slept.

I think I slept for roughly two and a half hours. I could not sleep anymore because something was bugging me. The incident that occurred in the hospital two days ago was what was disturbing me.

I got out of bed and left my room to the parlor downstairs. He was watching wrestling on television with our cute baby sleeping in his arms.

"You're awake so soon?" He asked

"Yeah, I am. I couldn't sleep enough because I wanted to discuss something with you." I took the baby from his arms and stroked it gently.

"What is it you want to discuss? Anything for my lovely wife." He said with joy in his tone and he pecked me mildly. I could see in him that he was very happy, happy to have become a dad at last.

I told him all about the freak accident that occurred in the hospital.

"What?" He paused "How did you see it?" He asked provokingly.

"Well, I was very alive and awake when I was giving birth so I saw everything. Haven't you watched any movie with a scene... Never mind"

"You're sure you weren't hallucinating?"

"Yes, I am. Even the doctors and nurses were amazed," I revealed.

"I'm not going to let this slip by then. I'm going to file a complaint about their services then. A doctor shouldn't be that careless about something as fragile as a baby." He said, pissed.

"But that's not the point. I just made it clear to you that our baby was floating and you're trying to change the topic?"

The room was quiet now and no one spoke. Not until he broke the silence.

"I think this has something to do with me." He muttered.

"How? You float?" I suggested.

"No... but my grandfather used to." He paused. "My dad told me about him. He used to be a General in our ancient village's army. With him, our village acquired many new territories.

"He was very fierce, strong and powerful, no one ever dared to touch him."

"So, what happened?" I asked with immense curiosity.

"He tried to take over the village and it wasn't going to be difficult for him because of his supernatural powers. And the only reason he was given that position as I was told was because his powers were of great use to the villages army." He waited. "Father told me his powers were not God given; he used black magic." With those words, I was taken aback.

"The powers got into his head and manipulated him. Making him thirst for more and more power until he resolved to make his people bow to him and worship him. Even the king had no choice. He was just too powerful.

"He formed his own army and also gave them powers but theirs were not close to half of his. They  killed everyone that refused to bow to him and this kept going on until the people met and decided that they weren't going to take any more of the bloodshed so they planned to kill him.

"On the day on which they were supposed to kill him, he vanished into thin air with his followers. Since then no one had ever set eyes on him."

"So you've kept this secret for as long as we've been married and you never thought to tell me?"

"I never thought it was going to be useful in our marriage. I didn't want to bring worthless people into it. I'm sorry."

"Why should you be? Besides, its not your fault." I said, trying to put myself in his shoes. "I hope our child is not going to be like your grand dad."

"No, he's not going to. By God's grace."

"We really need God's help in this situation." I said

"Let's pray then." He suggested. Then, we knelt and prayed for our child. I had a feeling God had answered our prayers.

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