CHAPTER 11: First Day at Ruby Empire High School.

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Justin's P.O.V

On Saturday, Bob, Lisa, Mirabel and I went shopping. We bought a lot of clothes, school materials, devices and foodstuff.


My alarm woke me up by 5:30am. I was pretty excited about going to that school. To meet new people and all. I always liked making new friends. 

I went to take my bath, then, I dressed in a grey shirt and blue blazers. I tried to look as plain as possible on my first day. By then it was just six o'clock and it was still about one hour to breakfast so I lay on my bed to watch a movie on the new laptop Bob bought for me. I kind of liked the fact that I was going to start a new life. It meant new devices and clothes and other stuff that dad and mum never agreed to buy for me.

They even bought me a new PS4, so I won't have to be sneaking into Lisa's room to play. Damn! I felt so embarrassed the last time she caught me. I had planned to leave the room by 1:30 but I don't know how time flew so fast!

Before I knew it, it was 7:00. I left my room and went downstairs. I smelt a sweet aroma and it led me straight to the kitchen. Mirabel was making pancakes in the kitchen and they smelt so amazing!

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Oh, Justin, good morning. How was your night? Hope you slept well?" She asked and smiled. Her smile was so heart-warming, with the freckles and all.

"It was fine. And I slept well" I answered and smiled back.

"You're ready for your first day at school already? Cool!" She said and smiled again. I was beginning to like this woman.

"I want to help you." I said. I was trying to create a good relationship between us.

"You don't need to, Julie is here to help." She resisted.

"I want to. Don't worry, I love cooking!" She was trying not to stress me, but what's the stress in cooking? 

Before long, we finished cooking and the family and I ate together, by then, it was 7:45.

Bob told us that we had to go to Ruby Empire High together so, we left the house with the blue Benz, while mom left in the Chevrolet. 


After an approximately, ten minute drive, Bob halted the car beside the fence of a gigantic building. It was so beautiful that I could liken it to a castle. But it looked a lot more modern and colorful than a castle.

"Bye dad. See you in class, Justin." Lisa said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She came out of the car and walked into the school.

"Hope you're ready for this?!" Bob asked, like I was going for a competition.

"Yeah, I am... totally." I said, trying to hide the insincerity from my voice. You know that feeling that you think you can do something but when you come face to face with it, you discover you can't. That was the exact feeling I was having about the whole Ruby Empire thing. 

"Okay, lets go." Bob said and came down from the car. I gulped and also came out of the car. We walked through the large gates into the school compound. I felt kind of nervous. But I hoped it wasn't noticeable.

At the sight of me, many people stopped dead in their tracks, staring at me like I was some kind of priceless artwork. Was this the first time they saw a new student getting enrolled in the middle of the term?

And, damn! I hated it when I was given so much attention, so I tried to look away. Bob and I had to walk for like half a minute more before we got to the main building.

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