CHAPTER 23: The Cat's Finally Out of the Bag.

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Justin's P.O.V

Many days passed but I still didn't tell anyone about the garage incident... not even Lisa. I was just so unhappy with myself.

Everything was going smoothly; Anastasia and I were getting closer by the day and I just kept hoping that nothing else would go wrong. I couldn't believe that for a week and five days, John hadn't sent anyone to attack me. I hope he gets poisoned and dies! Seriously!


It was Friday and I was back from school. School had been really stressful for the past five days; all the assignments and tests took all the energy away from me. I was wondering how come I was still alive.

I was in my room and I had already showered. I was really bored and I didn't know what to do. The only thing I could do was my assignments and if I opened those things, I was probably just going to drop dead.

I was just so relieved I lived with Anastasia, the extrovert and somewhat nerdy girl. There was no way she wasn't going to do the assignments and all I needed to do was to copy most of them. Easy pizzy!

But that wasn't right! I had to try my best to do them and stop sucking assignment answers from Lisa. So... with all the strength and courage I could muster, I stood up took my books and started doing what I had to do. I was surprised I didn't drop dead as I opened my book.

I finished with my Maths assignment thirty minutes after I opened my book and I felt I needed to do something that will ease me and will be fun.

Then an idea struck my brain. I wanted to practice using my powers. I didn't know how to use my powers so well and I felt there was also some more to be discovered about it.

I stood in the middle of the room and stretched my hand towards a glass cup that was on the table which was some metres away and to my expectation, it floated slowly into my hand. Yes! I was so happy that the first try worked. I dropped the glass cup back on the table.

Next, I tried to get the same cup from the table... but now, with my eyes closed and with my hands behind my back.

It was pretty difficult and I tried my best to concentrate on it... though my eyes were closed and my hands were also behind my back.

I was still trying so hard to concentrate when I felt some connection between the cup and I. I was extremely happy because I was actually progressing in the training.

My eyes were still closed tightly and I was still concentrating hard so the cup won't just fall on the floor and break.

Finally, the cup stopped right in front of me, where I had wanted it to stop and then I grabbed it from the air and drank the water in it.

The next thing I wanted to do was to try and float, myself. I was trying to take the whole thing gradually. I remembered the brutal way I killed those men and I still just couldn't find a reason why I did that. All I knew was that I did it and I also can't change the past.

I tried my best to remove those thoughts from my mind and just concentrate.

I felt it again... my legs leaving the ground and then I felt weightless. It was so cool, I couldn't help myself but smile in my mind. 

I opened my eyes and saw that I was about a metre away from the ground, floating! I couldn't believe I could levitate! I tried to make the glass cup on the table rotate around me like I did that assassin

I felt it revolving around me with increasing speed. At some point, it got so fast, I felt the air moving along with it. The air started turning into a whirlwind and my assignments were scattered by it and were flying along with the wind. Everywhere was getting disorganized. This was surely not the right place to do all this but I just didn't want to stop.

Lisa's P.O.V

I was doing my assignments when I came across this one in Physics. I really hated Physics and Justin was like a god in it so I thought to meet me so he could help me in it.

I walked out of my room and I opened the door while saying; "Justin, please could you help me with the Physics assignment?"


So... how was it? Short chapter, right? Hope it kept you on enough suspense as I thought it would.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Please vote and comment also.

Stay safe.

Love you all 😍😍😘😘


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