CHAPTER 77: The Irrevocable Mistake

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Anastasia's P.O.V

"Call it off, Dad," I said to him as we sat in his study. This time, it was I who had called for the meeting. It was too important to leave unattended.

He understood what I was saying so he stared at me, surprised that I had changed my mind in the space of a day.


"You won't understand even if I explain. Just call it off." He rose his brows as if demanding a more unambiguous explanation. "It was all just a misunderstanding—I was really angry when I said all that to you. He doesn't deserve to die." I ended in a low tone.

"I'm sorry Ana, it can't be undone." He said plainly, not minding all that I had said.

I gaped at him for a second. "What do you mean by that? Just tell the damn contract killer not to proceed. Simple."

He smirked cunningly. "I'm sorry my Ana but that's not how it works. At this stage, there's nothing we can do to halt it. By the way, I didn't send just any contract killer. No, no, no... it's an organization and you can't just retrace your steps as you please."

I had never been more heartbroken than I was when he said that.

"There has to be some way around this."

"Once you sign the agreement with them, there's no going back. I'm so sorry Ana, but there's none."

I felt like pulling out my hair. It was all my fault.

"Come on... you're John Coyde. There must be something you can do."

"Those guys are bigger than you can ever imagine. I can't go up against them." He said with complete seriousness. "I can understand how you feel right now but to be honest, there's nothing I can do."

I regretted that rash decision I had taken—telling dad to kill him. What had gotten into me? "When? When are they going to do it?"

"Tonight. I believe they should be on it already" His words made me want to give up hope but I couldn't. I couldn't let him die because of me. Plus, the way Dad has been talking about this organization, I don't think Justin would be able to handle them. I had to do something... and fast.

"I must do something," I muttered to myself.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to save your double-crossing ex... and his girlfriend." As soon as he said the last bit, I flared up.

"What did we agree on?"

"You know it would be foolish to leave loose ends." He said and grinned balefully.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I swore and stood up before scampering out of the study. I didn't have the time to confront him but what he'd done was unethical and deceptive. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Hey, come back." I heard him call out as I ran through the halls.

I hadn't thought of what to do yet but whatever happened, I needed to save them. I really couldn't bear losing any of them. Justin, not because I'm in love with him but because he's innocent. So much had already been taken away from him. I didn't feel anyone deserved to be treated that way. As for Lisa, I'll die if anything happened to her.

It was about 9:35 pm and time was running out. I grabbed my phone from my bed when I got to my room and I dialed his number. It rang for about ten seconds but he didn't pick up.

Justin, I know that you're mad at me but you have to pick up. Please... I mumbled in my head but to no avail. I called about five more times and still, he didn't pick up. It was then I knew how it felt—it hurt to be snubbed. Since he didn't want to pick up, I was going to go to his house to tell him what I needed to.

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