CHAPTER 55: The Urge I.

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Justin's P.O.V

I got back home by 8'o clock thereabout. When I opened the door, I spotted them at the dining table, having dinner. I felt kinda bad that I came back home too late for dinner.

Lisa gave me a stink eye as I greeted Bob and Mirabel. I didn't really mind because she'd been behaving bitterly towards me since this morning. She didn't even reply when I greeted her.

I ran upstairs and took a shower and in five minutes, I got back down and joined them for dinner. I sat down and helped myself to some mac and cheese in a bowl which was placed at the center of the table.

When Bob and Mirabel were talking about Bob's promotion in work, Lisa just sat... stone-faced and sitting right in front of me. I hated to see her look that way and I don't know but I kinda felt responsible. Maybe she was still holding a grudge against me cos of our earlier quarrel. And she probably wasn't going to answer me if I asked. Anyway, I'll still give it a try. Why in the world did she hate the fact that I was dating her best-friend??? Why would she have anything to hold against the both of us? Maybe her and Ana had some crazy rule against either of them dating the other's relations. But that only happens in movies.

"So Justin, how did the date go?" Bob asked.

I normally would've been shy about talking at table but I didn't even care this time. "It was wonderful!" I replied, smiling.

"I'm through. Thanks mom... and dad. I'm going to bed," she stated plainly then got up, tucked her chair in and stormed up to her room.

"Goodnight darling." They said in unison but she didn't even turn back to give a reply.

"What's up with her?" Bob asked his wife in audible whispers.

"I don't know... I'll go check up on her."


Lisa's P.O.V

I read my Biology textbook for up to two hours before I switched to Chemistry. I got tired of reading at about And that was when an idea struck my mind—I could go out with Justin this night for our usual 'patrol.' It had actually been a whole week since we had an adventure together and that was when I had had my first kill. The memories were still green.

Maybe we could even talk about him and Anastasia and somehow, I could try to win him over. Don't know how though.

My powers had been bottled up inside of me for so long now and I felt the need to you know... just let go. I closed my eyes and those ice plates appeared on my forearms again. The temptation was extreme and this may sound a bit crazy but I honestly urged to kill someone else—just to see the lifeless bodies in a pool of dark red blood knowing it was all my doing.

It was the only thing I saw when as I closed my eyes—me stabbing that man in his head with an icicle. The yearning was so damn strong that I couldn't even deny.

I got up from my chair slowly and walked out of my room... with the ice plated melting gradually. I locked my door and then knocked at Justin's.

"Who's it?" He asked dryly.

"It's Lisa."

"Come in," he permitted after about ten seconds. I opened the door and spotted him reading with his bedside lamp. It was the freaking first time I was seeing him read at home. It was probably because our exams were going to be commencing in a week's time.

"How may I help you?"

"I was thinking, maybe we could go out this night..." Before c could complete my statement, he cut me off.

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