CHAPTER 7: Finding a New Home.

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Justin's P.O.V

The next day, I woke up by 5:30 am. And when I did, I found myself in the middle of my parents' bed and their dead bodies. The memories of last night came flushing in and I began to cry when I still saw their bodies lifeless. They had started to smell, but not so badly though.

I was beginning to wonder why I even killed that asshole. It didn't add anything to me or bring them back to life. But he was going to have to face justice one way or the other and I knew the police weren't going to be the ones to serve that justice. He'd simply bribe his way out of jail. So it was better as I killed him.

It was Thursday and I didn't want to go to school. I went downstairs and then I took dad's Lamborghini out of the house to the Police Station that was some miles away. I did know how to drive to an extent. Dad was teaching me... till now.

According to our house, there were two roads. One on its left side and one on its right side. I followed the left part to get to the Station. The right side was the one where Luis' dead body was.

I arrived and I asked to see the Inspector of Police. When I was called in, I went into his office and told him everything that happened. Well, almost everything. I didn't tell him about how I followed the murderer and killed him. I hope he'd never find out.

He asked me a series of questions. Questions a detective would ask. I answered them effortlessly but not totally truthfully.

He called some of his men, I guessed they were detectives. He called about five of them and we went together. They took their cars but the Inspector and I took dad's. He drove and kept asking me questions as I was directing him to my house. His men were following him. 

When we arrived, it was about 6:30a.m. I showed them inside the house and then, my parents' room. Then they had started their work, looking for clues here and there and I left the room to the parlor. 

The Inspector met me and asked if I had the phone number of any of my relations who lived in this town.

I could remember dad giving me the phone number of one of my uncle about two years ago. He said that I might need it someday and now it came in handy.

I got his number from my phone and gave it to him. He called him and told him to come to the house, that it was very urgent he walked away into the kitchen, till I could hear him no more. 

When he was done, he came back and stayed for some minutes, giving me some motivational talk that I sincerely thought was useless. He also let me know that I was going to be living with my uncle for the mean time, until investigation is complete and all.

About thirty minutes later, my uncle arrived. He wore a deep blue designer suit and black shoes. He looked corporate and wealthy.

I greeted him and he replied. He tossed his car keys to me and told me to wait in his car for him while he went to meet the inspector inside. I did without complain.

He had a red Maserati car and I liked its smell. We hardly ever met. The last time we met was about five years ago. And that was one thing I didn't like with dad, he never kept family ties strong. God knows why but, we never had a get together with his family, a family dinner or Christmas with his family, nothing! On the other hand, I was well acquainted with mum's family members.

He was a man that looked much like dad. And he reminded me of dad. He had sea-blue eyes, and a deep black hair just like him. The only difference was that dad was a lot buffer while he was quite slim.

About fifteen minutes later, he came back. I was so glad he did because I had started getting extremely bored. By the look on his face, he wasn't happy. How would he be when his brother and his wife jus died?

"Hey buddy," he said in a friendly manner to me, trying to spark up a conversation. I didn't reply him and I gave him his car keys. We put on our seat belts then he drove out.

Goodbye, I thought as we were leaving the house. It was very difficult leaving the house I had made most of my memories in. And the thought of going to live with someone who was like a total stranger to me. 

He drove for about fifteen minutes and I was just staring outside.

"What's up?" He asked surprisingly.

"Nothing." I answered plainly. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"You don't like to talk?" He asked, trying to show concern.

"I do, but I'm just not in the mood to talk. Sorry." 

"No, its okay. I understand." He said with sincerity and kindness. No one spoke till he stopped his car in front of a gold colored gate. The story building behind it was very large and beautiful. I had already started loving it.

"Welcome to my house... Our house." He said, emphasizing the 'our' part. His gatekeeper came and opened the gate and he drove in. He showed me my room which was on the second floor.

The room was larger than my former room by a lot. And I got to admit, a lot of better.

"Thank you." I said to him before he could leave.

"You're most welcome." He paused. "I'll be leaving for work now. If you need any food, there are snacks in the fridge. If you need anything cooked, ask one of the maids.

"Julie!" He called out and a maid wearing a blue gown appeared seconds later. "This is Justin, he'll be staying with us for a while. If he needs anything while I'm gone, he'll let you know, okay." He said, referring to the maid and then, she nodded.

"Master Justin, is there anything you need?" She asked.

"No, thank you and please, call me Justin."

"Okay, Justin." She said, like it was something strange and left to continue her chores.

"Be good, okay?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes.

I nodded and he left, closing the door behind him.

Maids? Seriously? Why didn't we ever have one. Plus, our house was a lot smaller and less beautiful than this, though I'm a hundred percent sure that dad was far richer than him. He was the WWE Universal Champion for God's sake so why didn't he have security guards or body guards? If he did, that damned Luis Baxter wouldn't have gotten in.

As I remembered my dead parents, I lay down on the bed and put my face in the pillow. Then I started crying hard. It was very painful thinking about them and I wished I could stop it but I couldn't.

I cried for a long time and I stood up to check my face in the mirror. I found out that I had sleep bags under my eye balls and my eyes were red.

I tried to pull myself together and stop crying but it was hard. I remembered that day they told me that they'll never leave me, but they were both gone now.

You may not know how it feels losing both your parents on the same day and because of the same motherfuckers. But quick question: what would you do to the people...?

I really don't know about you, but I'd surely take revenge... make sure that I make him watch me kill the people he loved, then kill him.

I'm done with Luis already. He's too pathetic for my liking so I'd just free his family. But Coyde, I wasn't going to think of leaving him. I'll complete what dad started. I'd seriously love to have his large, selfish and egoistic head in my hands. Just kidding, that's disgusting!

I'm coming for you. And with full force!

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