CHAPTER 62: Sia.

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Justin's P.O.V

Lisa made sure she sat right next to me on the plane. Bob and Mirabel were right behind us.

The trip to Sia was pretty long and after about an hour, Lisa who had been drowned in whatever music she was listening to got dozing.

Dizzily, she dropped her head on my shoulder. I didn't know how to even react. She just looked so peaceful and cute sleeping.

I shook that thought outta my head. I was never gonna return to my old ways, ever! I just went back to watching the movie I was watching before, not minding the fact that her head was on my shoulder. It just felt wrong.

Some hours later, an announcement was made; "We have gotten to our destination, all passengers on this plane should kindly go back to their seats if standing and ensure to use their seatbelts as we prepare for landing." I heard a corporate and feminine voice say.

I was sitting by the window so my eyes had been glued to it, looking out at the beautiful clouds before the announcement. Lisa had been sleeping ever since.

I quickly woke her up and told her that the plane was about to land. She yawned and looked around, wondering how she could have slept for the whole time. Now I felt bad for not waking her up. Even Bob and Mirabel didn't sleep; they were just busy scanning through magazines.

"Did I sleep throughout the flight?" She asked as if she was deaf when I had said that the plane was almost about to land.

"Yeah... looks like it."

"Damn," she swore. "Anything I missed?"

"No. Nothing important happened."

"You should've woken me up," she said like that could change what had already happened.

"You never told me to," Luckily, our conversation was cut short by another announcement immediately the plane came to a stop. She said; "We have landed at the Sia National Airport. Please make sure to take all your personal belonging the overhead cabin as you leave the plane. Thank you for flying with us. We look forward to having you again. Enjoy your stay in Sia! Thank you!" She ended.

One look outside the plane and we had touched down I saw the asphalt runway and some cars parked at the airport which was a distance away.

We unbuckled our seatbelts and alighted from the gigantic plane following hundreds of people. The place was so crowded; you could easily get lost so Bob made us hold hands. It was about one in the afternoon the rays of sun were so harsh, it felt like they were burning my skin.

We got into the airport and moved to the check-in-desk. Immediately our baggage got checked, we left the port and hailed a taxi. We loaded our stuff and got in.

I was sitting by the window again but this time, beside Mirabel. The whole place was so beautiful, I couldn't help looking out. I took a full sweep of the whole place in the lightning-speed taxi.

Sia was pretty big and fascinating with as many skyscrapers as the people. It was so big and busy compared to her hometown.

When I finally got my eyes off the scenery, I switched off the 'airplane mode' and hell, it began chiming like there was no tomorrow.

I got like a zillion text messages—most from Ana. She was so affectionate—asking me how my trip was... if I had eaten... what I was doing... if I had arrived yet. She probably forgot that passengers were not allowed to use their phones in the plane.

'Sorry, my phone was on airplane mode,' I texted her.

'Yes! Finally!' She replied instantly. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. 'How was the trip?'

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