CHAPTER 8: God of War.

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Justin's P.O.V

I had slept and woken up few hours later by about 11:00am. I had nothing doing and I was bored. I left my room so I could move around the house. 

I got into the room beside mine. It looked extremely beautiful and girly. I knew instinctively that it was a girl's room but when I saw a PlayStation on the floor, I couldn't help myself but get into the room and put the device on. I put the headphones on and began playing 'God of War'. It was a violent game and I liked it, especially at this time of my life.

The sound effects really pleased me, all the slicing of heads and all. I was imagining I was the main character and the antagonists were John's dumb assassins. Then John was the Boss. With this, believe it or not, I killed almost all of them I encountered.

I had been playing the game for about three hours when I heard a feminine voice saying: 'Mom, I'm coming!' 

I was wondering how that could be part of the game when the door opened and I saw a feminine figure at the door and my heart skipped a beat, she looked damn hot! I was busted and there was nothing I could do to cover up so I just removed the headphones after pausing the game.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" She sounded serious and with a voice demanding an answer. I figured that was Bob's daughter, the one dad sometimes talked about. Because she had the same deep black hair that Bob did, but the light brown, fiery eyes and the freckles, were probably from her mom. 

I stared at her, speechless. This was probably her room and she had every right to be upset. I seriously didn't know what to do. 

"Your dad didn't tell you about me?" I asked. I don't think I chose my words well because she looked like she was boiling. This was not the best way to meet a girl for the first time at all.

Before she could say anything more, I said, "Sorry for the intrusion. I'm Justin Cole, your dad's nephew and your cousin. Its nice to finally meet you." and I stretched my hand for a handshake.

She didn't move a muscle. "Oh you don't shake guys, cool!" I said, feeling slightly embarrassed and left the room.


Lisa's P.O.V

'Who the hell was that guy?!' I asked myself. He claimed to be my cousin but how is it that I don't know him?

Well, he was totally cute, though. And I'm feeling kind of bad about how I acted earlier to him. I pulled off and took a shower, then, I went to have lunch in the dining. 

I had to apologize about the whole incident so I went out to look for him. I checked the rooms downstairs and all were locked. I started losing hope. I thought maybe he had left. So, I was going to have this incident on my conscience for a very long time. I had overreacted.

There was one last room I had to check; The room beside mine. If he wasn't there then that meant he was gone. I pressed the door handle downwards and to my surprise, it was not locked so I opened it slowly.

I peeped in and I saw him. He was lying, face up on the bed and, crying!!?? No way! I hope it wasn't because of me, didn't figure that my actions could hurt so much. He was obviously not in the best mood so I decided not to disturb him. 

He hadn't noticed me so, I just slowly closed the door and left. I had so many other things on my mind so I won't let this disturb me too much. I'd got a Geography test tomorrow and I couldn't afford to have anything less than an A.


Justin's P.O.V

I put my face in my pillow and wept hard. Whenever I had nothing doing, I always thought about them and whenever I did, I always cried. 'They said they would never leave me.' I remembered sadly. But nothing lasts forever. Now, I'm just a pathetic orphan that doesn't know what turn his life was going to take.

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