CHAPTER 53: Lonely.

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Anastasia's P.O.V

"Grandma, I'm home!" I called out as I closed the door behind me. Her house was a lot smaller but a lot more precious to me than ours. From the outside, it looked more like an enchanted botanical garden and the inside was always filled with the aroma of delicious food.

It had so many beautiful and sweet-scenting flowers at the backyard. I was in love with the roses especially.

She came from the parlor where she sat, probably watching one of her favorite classical movies from the seventies—as always.

"Oh darling, you're back." She exclaimed as she pulled my cheeks fondly. I smiled and embraced her. She was about 1.6 meters tall and plump. She had white hair but she still looked in the pink and also a lot prettier than women her age though she had slight wrinkles on her skin. She was about 75.

"I'm so happy that you came back." She added.

"Of course I did. I wasn't going to go anywhere." I muttered. Not until dad realizes his mistakes and tries to fix them. Not until he apologizes to Justin and I and takes an oath afterwards never to do anything to harm Justin or his family.

Wait... who am I kidding? That wouldn't ever compensate for the damage dad has done to him. I just hoped Justin would be kind enough to even agree to see him.

"I thought I was gonna be alone again..." she muttered innocently though those words went deep to pierce my heart. She disliked the elderly citizens at Avery's Home for Elderlies because to her, they were boring. Well, though that's her cover-up story, I know she doesn't like staying there because she wants to be with her family.

Her life was just so sour whenever she was there... having to stay with people who love the things you despise... having to stay with people who constantly remind you, though indirectly, of how lonely your life actually is. Well, I was the only person she normally poured her heart out to. But right now, listening to her was torturous.

How did dad never see this? I bet it's his dumbass business-life that's obscured his mind.

Her husband had died two years ago due to a heart problem and since then, she's spent her life at the dreaded Avery's... apart from one time when we came to visit her on Christmas day. Yes, it was that bad. She couldn't stay alone in her home so dad made her stay at Avery's. She even had to hire a gardener to tend for her flowers.

So I changed my conditions; if dad ever wanted me back home, he'd have to take her with me and never make her go back to that 'shit hole' as she normally called it.

She had actually stayed in her house just because of me and seemed really pleased about my presence. She was such a great woman.

"No, you're never gonna be alone again," I said reassuringly and embraced her tightly as my eyes watered. After some seconds, I released her. "Lemme go take a shower." I said and sniffled lightly.

I left to a small room which I've now tagged mine. And let me just put this straight to you—if daddy's too big headed to actually fulfill my conditions, he should just forget about me because I have no plans of living with an unrepentant monster for my whole life. And though I'll miss mom and Jason pretty badly, it's worth it.

I hadn't even told Grandma yet cos I knew she'd break into pieced if she found out what her son had turned out to be.

Anyway, I showered and put on casual clothes. Justin had scheduled to pick me up for a date by 4p.m. so I made sure the clothes I picked were fit for an outing.

"Whoa! You look pretty." She complimented.

"Thanks." I said and smirked.

She had moved to the dining table and was now drinking her hot lemon tea. She invited me to join her so I had no other option but to accept the invitation. The table was quite small so I sat at the other end, opposite grandma and helped myself to a cup of lemon tea.

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