CHAPTER 67: The Mistakes I Made.

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Justin's P.O.V

I had actually tried the hardest I could to find time to talk to Lisa but the only time I could find was night time cos during the day, we were usually busy and away from each other. It was as if she was also keeping away from me. Guess the feeling is mutual.

The only time I could find was night time and I wasn't going to make the mistake of letting her into my room at night. Ever!

We had literally just a week to return home. And school was going to begin in approximately a week and a half. It was so sad that the long, enjoyable summer holiday was soon going to end and once again, we'll be stuck at school.


The family and I went to Aerial Lotus Amusement Park in the afternoon by 4:30pm thereabout and stayed till late in the evening. Even with that, I could hardly find any time to speak to Lisa.

We had a whole lot of fun; riding rollercoasters, Ferris Wheels, playing VR video games and all. There was even a God of War tournament I played and won a gaming pad, coming in third-place. It was the wireless and camouflaged type—the type I had always wished for.

The park was filled to the brim with every specie of humans you could think of. Damn, Sia was such a cool place.

We took pictures in a booth and then our attention was arrested by a clown we saw joggling four flaming butcher's knives at the same time. I had seen feats like this on TV but I never thought it was possible. Fortunately, I now have the chance to witness it firsthand—it was just so incredible... and dangerous.

A crowd soon gathered in front of the talented clown to watch his performance. He realized a ton of money from a couple of astounded individuals.

Soon, an announcement was made over the megaphones littered all over the amusement park that the Black Hearts were going to be performing in just five minutes and that the tickets had almost been sold out. The announcer was so enthusiastic about the band that even if you didn't know them, you'll want to attend the concert.

But we actually did know them. They were the most popular boy band in the whole of Sia and the world too knew who they were. Their reputation was pretty outstanding. They were actually the foremost reason we were at this park right now. Bob and Mirabel were practically in love with the Black Hearts and this was their first concert they were going to be attending.

They performed pop and were pretty famous for a boy-band whose members were just two or three years older than me.

Bob and Mirabel had already purchased tickets for the four of us while I was playing the tournament so as people rushed to the got theirs, we just stood, unmoving in front of one of the most dangerous roller-coasters in the world.

Not long later, another announcement dropped in that the Black Hearts concert was soon going to begin. I wasn't so interested in them or their music. To me, it kinda sucks. I'd honestly prefer rap or rock n roll or something else. Just not pop.

I don't think Lisa showed any interest in them either. I saw the light in the situation. I finally had the chance to speak to Lisa as friends and let her know what we can never work out. Not just because I have a girlfriend who I absolutely love but also because we're goddamn cousins. Doesn't she see that?

"We should be heading for the concert now, don't you think?" Bob asked his wife loud enough for us to hear.

"Yeah, I think we should." She agreed.

"I'm really sorry but I'd rather stick with the Ferris wheel." Lisa said.

Without wasting a second, I said, "Me too." I knew immediately that she was just running away from me and wanted some alone time. Luckily for her, I'm pretty much inevitable.

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