CHAPTER 20: The Date.

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Hey guys! Ready for another chapter again?... Awesome! There is going to be a lot of inter-change in the P.O.V, just so you understand how all the character's feelings. Please as you go on reading; remember to vote and comment also.

I don't know how this chapter is going to go. 🤞 Enjoy!

Justin's P.O.V

The 'bad boys' hadn't come to school for two whole days after I had beaten them the other day. Lol! They were probably really hurt and I guess Brandon had now learnt not to mess with new kids and most especially not me cos if he messed with me, I was going to mess him up... again!


It was Saturday, the Saturday I was supposed to take Anastasia out. Bob and Mirabel were going to go out for a date night and Lisa went out with her friends, the cheerleaders and wasn't going to be back till late.

"Uncle Bob, can I take your Benz out today?" I asked Bob in the cutest voice I could fake then he came and sat beside me, on the sofa I sat on. I actually didn't have a definite name for him since I couldn't actually take him as my dad. Trust me; no one can ever take my dad's place in my life, never!

"Yeah. But firstly; why?" He asked. I knew he was going to ask and I just had to tell him the truth. There was no need to lie. "And call me Bob." He added.

'He'd just given a name for me to call him just when I felt the need of one,' I thought. He probably felt the weirdness I felt about the name 'Uncle Bob.' But I wasn't going to call him that. He was like twenty years older than me.

"Well... I'm going on a date tonight."

"Wow, this son of mine is going on dates already... Tell me; who's the lucky person?" He asked playfully, smiling.

"Her name's Anastasia." I said feeling kind of shy.

"Oh, that's a very lovely name. Pretty?" He asked still smiling.

"Yeah, she is. Very"

"Just as I thought! Nephew has the same taste with his uncle." He said and winked. And that was no lie; His wife was one really beautiful woman.

"Have fun!" He said and patted me twice on the shoulder. And then, he left me in the parlor to continue watching Netflix.

I was flexing most of my time now because I was a new student. I wondered how I was going to do when the teachers finally start treating me like the other students; giving me so many assignments and projects... I was probably just going to break down. 

When I told Lisa I was going to go out with Anastasia she just smiled faintly. Was anything the matter?

I called Anastasia and asked her for her address. I was really looking forward to that date and just couldn't wait.


Anastasia's P.O.V

Wow! The dress dad bought for me was just so fantastic! It was just perfect; Not too attention-dragging, not too dull. It was the most perfect red short-gown I could ask for and it had so many awesome designs on it. Dad's just the best!

I really hope Justin would like it.

Justin called me just to check up on me. I think he's as excited as I am about the date. And to tell you how excited I was, I danced in the room. I hardly ever danced.

I thought of calling Lisa and just talking to her. Sharing all my excitement with her but on second thoughts, I couldn't. We were meant to go shopping with all the others in our cheer leading squad but I cancelled on them because of this... I just prayed silently that she was not upset with me.

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