CHAPTER 65: Back for the Bracelet.

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Alan's P.O.V

We were done training by and I was as exhausted as hell! Honestly, I was really good at combat. All I needed was tactics and I was lacking pretty badly in that.

The last guy I'd fought, Don, wasn't as strong as I was but he was sure-as-hell faster.

His moves were freaking sharp and his reflexes, pure gold. That was why he won me. Well, at least I'm proud to say I gave a really good fight. Our class ended when he pinned me for the third time.

When we were dismissed, I walked towards the parking lot, expecting to see Freddy in one of his luxurious cars, waiting for me. I was disappointed when I didn't. So, I just sat down on the porch and got my phone out of my backpack.

That was when I saw the numerous text messages he'd sent to me. He said he couldn't come because he had a really urgent meeting to attend. He also said that I should leave the school early so I'd arrive home equally early. Shit! It was so sad that I couldn't see them early enough cos I was so engrossed in the lessons. Well, that just meant that I had to get going right then. I took off by with my headphones in my ears and music booming. I hardly came across any taxis and the ones I came across just sped past me when I tried flagging them down. It was probably because of the six o'clock curfew the government put in place because of the increasing rate of crime here. People were being murdered almost every day but the culprits were never brought to book. They were probably just trying to save themselves while I remained here, stranded. If a cop were to see me here, I'll be dead. Why didn't I see the text message earlier?!

Anyway, I guess I could trek the distance so what was the harm trying when that was the only option I had?

I trekked till the sky kept getting darker and darker and my feet grew weaker. When I checked my watch, I found out that it was already 6:19pm I had been walking for more than thirty minutes and I was still nowhere close to the mansion.

I was really afraid that a random cop will catch sight of me and lock me up or try to make me pay an impossible fine. 'Freddy, where are you?'

I had sunk into the sweet rhythm of music when a punch connected with my back. Extreme pain went traveling through my nerves but once I turned back, I saw no one... just me and the shrubs and trees.

I stood still and dropped my bag on the road. "Come out, let's fight like real men if you've got the guts!" I yelled boldly at whoever the hell had punched me earlier on. I quickly picked up my bag, scrambled through it and fortunately found the charm bracelet. I felt really relieved now that I had some protection.

"Show yourself!" I shouted a second time and then wore it.

Behold, it was Brandon, Cameroon and three other of their dumb-ass sidekicks whose names I never cared to catch. They had just graduated from the Empire not too long ago so he probably thought to pay their good old friend a surprise visit.

Trying to build the tension in the air, they walked out of the bushes and towards me, slowly... as if they could do anything to hurt me. "I'm not surprised..." I started, hinting them that I wasn't ready for a fight. "How was the graduation ceremony?" I asked and smirked.

Brandon was the first to speak. "Who gives a damn? We came here for something that is rightfully ours" He sounded so dangerous and evil. Anyway, I gave a shrug absent-mindedly.

"We came to get the bracelet you stole from us, you prick," Cameroon cursed harshly, probably tired of my annoyance.

"That's what you want but what if I don't want that?" I cared no more. It was high time I taught these bestial assholes a lesson—without help from Justin, of course. Besides, what did I require to defeat them that I didn't already possess?

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