CHAPTER 28: Stepping on the Lion's Tail.

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Coyde's P.O.V

My pistol was pointed at the girl on Logan's left hand side. I was so enraged by what Logan had said, I didn't know when my finger pulled the trigger and the gun sent a bullet flying through the air into her head.

Blood splashed everywhere from her body, staining the whole room and some drops landing on Logan's face.

"What the fuck!" He yelled angrily. He looked like he was going to cry anytime soon. He wouldn't have acted this way if it were some other person. She must have meant a lot to him.

I couldn't believe what I just did. I just shot an innocent girl because I was angry. I wished I could turn back time... but I couldn't. I felt so ashamed of myself, but I pacified my heart by saying, 'bitches are meant to die.'

But that didn't help at all. Maybe bitches were meant to die, but not to be killed. And definitely not to be killed by me.

I felt really bad and felt like I should apologize or something, but I didn't feel it was necessary. That was just part of the price he was meant to pay for everything he had done to me.

 He stood up with an angry face. He looked like he was going to kill me.

"Hey Logan! You better sit your ass down right now!" I yelled at him... pointing the gun at him.

"Why the hell did you kill Roslyn?" He asked hysterically, still standing.

I actually didn't have an answer to that. "She was the only person I ever loved," he said, really hurt.

"Ha... you, have a one true love" I paused "Impossible!" I spat. "You cheat!"

Even though I tried my best to make myself feel that what I did wasn't wrong, I just couldn't.

"She was the one for me and you just killed her like that" This was the first time I had ever seen Logan like this. He was always so playful and funny. He hardly frowned. But today, his frown was soon going to turn into a cry.

"You know... your life depends solely on my mercy now so, shut up and sit down!" I said authoritatively, pointing the gun on his head and threatening to pull the trigger.

He sat down as I expected, but reluctantly.

"For all the things you've done to me, Andres... you're going to pay!"

"Amos," It had been so long since anyone called me by that name "...You know exactly what I can do, so don't try anything funny" He said. I couldn't believe he still had the guts to threaten me.

I guess he just wanted to me to kill him so he could unite with his so called 'lover,' in hell!

"I'm not kidding Andres, I'm damn serious about what I'm saying." I said calmly.

"If I were with a gun, I'll shoot through your fucking head!" He yelled furiously.

"Well, Mr Andres, it doesn't look like you're with a gun." I told him calmly but mockingly and then I laughed.

"For all the times you hurt me Andres, we were just friends so you could deceive me and use me, right? If I were to list all your sins against me... the lit won't end." I concluded.

"I thought we were friends but you used me so badly. I know we were only friends because of my dad's money but in the end... all you did was to hurt me."

"I'm sorry John... but please rethink this. Don't make this rash decision." I couldn't believe he was begging for mercy. This isn't the Logan I know. He probably had something up his sleeves.

"Its not rash, man... it's what I wanted from the beginning."

"Let's start all over again, Amos. I'll get you any girl... as much cocaine as you want. I'll kill the boy personally for you. If that's what you want." He suggested.

"I don't need anything from you... not now, not ever!" I shot.

"We could work together man!"

"I'm not going to fall into the same ditch three times you crafty devil." I declared.

"Okay!" As he said that, he shot at me and I felt the wind from the bullet pass my shoulder. It tore the suit I wore.

Instinctively, I pulled the trigger. The bullet got Logan's chest and the gun he held fell on the ground. I didn't even know he had a gun with him.

"You always think you're smarter than everyone else." I said to a half-dead Logan Andres Stone and then I shot him in the head without thinking twice.

He fell lifeless on the bed.

I put both their bodies under the blanket, covering their bodies fully. It was a really disgusting sight... their naked bodies covered with blood and most of the formerly white bed sheet was now red. My gloves were filled with blood.

I saw a key hanging on the wall and picked it up. I hoped it was the key to the room... and when I inserted it, it was

I left the room and locked the door with the key and put the key in my pocket. Then I walked downstairs and left the house. 

The bunch of keys I was holding had a couple of keys on them. I tried them one by one till I found the one that locks the front door. 

I locked it too.

I walked up to the dead gate keeper and just walked over him. 

I checked if there were any people outside and luckily for me, there weren't.

I closed the gate, got into my car and drove off. 

It was 9:15 when I got home. I threw the bunch of keys into the water closet and flushed them. 

I felt so fulfilled. I had finally killed the man that had once made my life hell. An ambition I had for a long time. 

'I killed a man, his whore and his gate keeper on a Sunday' I thought and laughed in my mind.

Anastasia and her mom were asleep. We were not going to go to church today because I had to go somewhere... and alone!


Hey, my lovely fam.

I'm so sorry to tell you that I may not be posting chapters often from now. I have exhausted what I wrote in the manuscript I was writing from  so it will be more difficult for me now.

But I will still try to update as regularly as possible.

Please dont forget to:





Stay safe

Love y'all 


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