CHAPTER 27: You Can't Deceive Me Anymore, Loki!

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Justin's P.O.V

It was a Sunday; two days after that incident with Lisa. We were supposed to go to church today and I thought to go to the pastor so he'll pray for me and maybe the damn thing in me that makes me go crazy all the time will leave me... but I couldn't do that. I don't know why.

I took my bath and dressed up. It was 7:25am already and on a typical Sunday, we always went to church by 8:00am but when I went out of my room to check if anyone was getting ready for church I didn't see any sign that showed anyone was awake. The whole house was as silent as a graveyard.

Since no one was awake... I went back into my room and started watching different Tik Tok videos.


Coyde's P.O.V

I knew Logan was lying to me when we talked the other day. He's such a damn bloody liar and also a traitor. I couldn't bring myself to believing his lies when I knew that was mere stupidity.

We had been very close friends in since kindergarten to primary school and up till college so I knew the kind of person he was. He was just like Loki... really deceitful and cunning. I could remember us pulling pranks on bullies and the teachers we hated. He was always the mastermind.

He dated lots of girls too and dumped them almost right after. I never understood why till this moment... why he can't just stick with one person. And I didn't understand what pulled so many girls to him. It was most probably because of his handsome figure, his joking attitude and his romantic way of flirting that attracted them to him.

And truly, he was attractive... He had such wild brown eyes... eyes that can encage you for a life time and his hair was just so black and catchy.

Our friendship broke in High School when he snatched my girlfriend; Valerie Hart from me. And the worst part was that he dumped her after two weeks. Even though she came back to me, crawling... I just couldn't accept her. But still, I was stupid enough to accept him back as a friend.

I told myself that I was going to keep him at arm's length and make sure I don't ever bring him into my life cos who knows... maybe he could even steal my wife. He's capable of that.

But I got so desperate, I didn't have any other option but to ask him for help... since Charles had disappointed me the last time. And now Logan does this?! I should have known that he hadn't changed and was still the same deceitful and stupid Logan Stone.

'It was so exasperating and so annoying. I wasn't going to let him go scot free just like Davis didn't either'. I laughed devilishly as I thought of that.

It was 7:30am and Vanessa was still sleeping peacefully so as I got off the bed, I tried the best I could not to wake her up... so she won't question me like she did the other day.

I went to the shower, brushed and took my bath quickly. I wore a black, expensive designer suit and sprayed a perfume so I'd smell good. I wore a pair of black sunglasses, a pair of black gloves and then a black hat. I looked like a bad ass hitman.

I looked into the mirror to make sure I looked as professional and good as I could and I did look really good in the designer suit. I brushed my black hair till it looked as neat as possible.

I left the room; trying to be as stealthy as possible then I went to one of the unoccupied rooms in the house... to get a very useful equipment. Anastasia was also sleeping. We normally sleep for a long time on Sundays.

I went into her room and pecked her on her forehead. She flinched. I loved her so much I could lay down my pride and ego just for her. She looked so much like her mother.

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