CHAPTER 21: Sent on a Suicide Mission.

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Writer's P.O.V

John Coyde was in one of the unoccupied rooms in his house. He was looking down through window at Justin. He just couldn't believe that the boy could have the guts to come into his den and even peck his beloved daughter.

It disgusted him so much that he unlocked the drawer and brought his sniper out. He aimed it perfectly in the middle of Justin's forehead but he just couldn't do such a thing.

He wasn't going to destroy his perfect mastermind plan by himself because of mere anger. To him that was stupid.

He kept his gun back into the drawer and locked it. He went back to the window to resume looking at Justin.

He grinned wildly because he believed this was the very last day that Justin will have on earth; the day he had the guts to peck John Coyde's daughter.

Plus, if he shot him, Anastasia will probably know he was the culprit... even though she'd probably find it very difficult to believe that he was that wicked; to have ended her happiness when it just began.

He just had to wait patiently for the perfect time, and that 'perfect time,' was not so far away


Justin's P.O.V

It was so late in the night. To be precise, it was 10:51pm and Bob was probably going to ground me for a year! So I had to speed extremely much.

I was driving with the headlights on and by the look of things, the whole road was deserted and this Benz was the only vehicle on it. I was on a highway and there were no cars on it? Don't people go clubbing anymore? Damn, I was so late!

That was when my eye took me to the fuel meter. The tank was almost empty and the fuel in the car was so negligible, it wasn't going to be able to take me home. How could Bob have let me go out with his car when it had almost no fuel in it and how could he possibly not have noticed???

Well, I don't blame him; it's probably because he has so many cars so he won't bother to check all their fuel level every time.

I don't know whether to call it 'our' house yet... but Bob's house was about 15 kilometers from where I was and the fuel was certainly not going to be enough.

I was so stuck and the pointer of the fuel meter was like a millimeter to 'E.'

Writer's P.O.V

The professional snipers were in a black car trailing Justin's own about 500 meters away from his with their headlights off. Just so they'd stay stealthy and unnoticed.

They had everything prepared for the missions. Their guns, their gears... everything.

One of them was dressed all black, with a black head warmer and black gloves to camouflage him with the night while the other one was wearing a dark green sweater and black trousers.

The one that wore a dark green sweater was the one driving while the one that dressed all black brought his sniper out of the window so he could aim properly. He was very muscular so he could carry the gun with no stress at all

He put his eyes on the scope and could see Justin's car because of the lights from it. He aimed at the tire of the car and was waiting for the best time to pull the trigger. His target was speeding extremely much so he just had to shoot the tire so it'll burst and his target will have an accident and die. An easy job!

Just as he was just about to pull the trigger, Justin reduced his speed to the minimum.

"Damn," he swore. He just missed a golden opportunity to do his job and be done.

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