CHAPTER 75: A Second Chance

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Justin's P.O.V

I cried uncontrollably as I held her head in my hands. I couldn't believe what had happened. What was I going to tell Bob and Mirabel? That I had mistakenly killed their blood daughter? I was screwed!

I prayed silently in my head that she would come back to life somehow. I hadn't prayed with such faith and urgency for a long time now. I really needed that miracle to happen.

Her face was pale and her lips, unusually bright pink. I couldn't feel her breath, neither could I, her heartbeat. It was hopeless.

I kept on crying and blabbering senseless things in regret that I wondered if my tears were ever going to get cried up. They didn't. My eyes were shut as I uttered uncontrollably, "Please don't die... I never meant for this to happen. What am I going to do without you...?"

Just then, I heard a faint feminine voice say, "Hey," It sounded so much like Lisa's that I thought it was coming from my head. I had been going through the memories we made together—our crazy adventures that I could hardly fathom had come to an end.

When I opened my eyes slightly, I saw another pair staring right back at me. It was unbelievable—she was alive! My heart jumped with utmost joy as I smiled genially. Her eyes were worse than exhausted still, my joy knew no bounds.

"What happened? My head is pounding." She said with the same faint voice.

"I'll explain everything later. I promise. I'm just so glad you're alive." I then held her by the sides and embraced her affectionately.

"Ouch!" She winced in excruciating pain. "My whole body's throbbing."

"I'm sorry... you need to rest." I said before picking her off the ground. "Let's go back home."


I lay her on her bed before running downstairs to fetch the First Aid Kit Mirabel always kept in a cupboard in the living room just in case something like this happens. Though I don't think she'd have ever predicted what happened today.

As I nursed her open wounds, she groaned softly, desperately suppressing the urge to scream her lungs out. I felt guilty about what had happened. The damage I had caused was practically immeasurable. Only God knows how we were going to explain everything tomorrow to her parents when they see her.

"I'm truly sorry," her face was red with bruises and contusions.

"What happened?" She asked. Turns out she was absolutely clueless about what had transpired. Seems like she had actually lost her senses.

I explained everything to her and in the end, she was left confounded by my words.

"No way would I have done all that."

"Well you did." Unamused, she convulsed into a hysterical laughter.

"You had a seizure again. I kinda did too."

She face-palmed in displeasure. "This was all my fault—" she began.

"Shh..." I verbalized as softly as the wind. "The fault is mine and I'm incredibly sorry. I shouldn't have led you on. I should have just—" I couldn't go on. My eyes were filled with tears and that was when I realized all the cruel things I had done to her.

"No, it's all on me—You showed me the red lights but I refused to take heed. It's not your fault I'm this dogged." She said as a kind of joke. I cracked a slight smile.

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