CHAPTER 66: Resilient.

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Anastasia's P.O.V

I decided that it was high time I forgave daddy for his mistakes so yesterday, when he came to get me, I went with him willfully.

Mom embraced Jason and me immediately we got home. It was evident she missed us and I especially missed her too... badly. I was so glad that everything was back to normal. Daddy just stood at a corner, smirking.

Kate is going to be coming back to her son's home after almost five years today. It was actually a big surprise we'd planned for Mom and it was going pretty well. She knew nothing about it and we made Jason keep shut by telling him we'll get him a toy race car if he didn't say anything.

We had already started making decorations with help from our maids. It wasn't anything grand but dad just wanted it grand.

Took you long enough to get back to your senses, didn't it?

We had ordered a 4-step cake which was for dessert and got some maids to cook different delicacies.

Whenever mom asked what all the decorations were for, Dad and I would just smile at each other and tell her that it's a secret and that she was soon going to find out. However, she stopped asking when she got the hint that we weren't going to tell her nada.

By 4:00 on the dot, a black limousine drove into the compound. By that time, we were done with the decorations and stood close to the door, waiting for grandma to come in. Just about everyone who was standing by the door already knew who just arrived so only Mom felt the suspense.

Some seconds later, the doorbell rang. When daddy opened the door, Kate emerged. Mom was utterly dumbstruck. She just stood, gaping in awe at the familiar figure that had just walked in while Jason and I chorused 'Welcome Kate!'

Son enough, Mom recovered from the shock and she got chatting with her like they were sisters. We're back to the old times, baby!

We had dessert which was the four step cake we had ordered while listening to the melodious tunes of Dolly Parton, Kate's favorite musician. I was so happy seeing the family back together again. We'd really missed her, honestly.

The five of us, believe it or not, partied till it was night. It was all so great!

Writer's P.O.V (The next day)

Bob and Mirabel had gone out since it was 4:00pm on their anniversary date. Before then, the whole family had gone to a pretty expensive restaurant to dine. Justin and Lisa had bought presents for the couple which they were going to give to them after their outing.

They had done the anniversary date every year but this year, something was different—Justin was now part of the family. They left, of course trusting everything to go smoothly at home. And why won't they? Justin was in his room, watching a movie and Lisa, in hers, engrossed in a novel she had been reading. What could possibly go wrong?

It began to get really boring for both of them when Lisa's parents hadn't arrived by eight. By then, the duo had already eaten dinner and had retired to their rooms.

Finishing the novel she was reading, Lisa smirked. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought about the idea that just crept into her head earlier on. Besides, it was supposed to be the main focus of the vacation for her—Getting Justin to love her.

They'd kissed millions of times but something was still missing. Maybe he longed for something more... something to finally convince him that they were made for each other.

She had showered earlier on so as soon as she got off her phone, she put on a skimpy red gown; Justin's favorite color. Then she wore a mildly scenting cologne. She stepped out of her room and paced to his. Taking a few deep breaths, she rapped at his door. Right then, she'd lost all sense of judgment. All she wasted was Justin and she was gonna get him.

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