CHAPTER 9: Can't Save Them Even in a Dream.

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Justin's P.O.V

I was in the middle of an unfamiliar, foggy forest in the middle of the night. I was lost and lonely and walking through the forest when I saw some light from a house afar. I didn't recognize the house but still I walked towards it.

I got to the door of the house and I knocked and no one answered. I knocked again, this time harder, but still no one answered.

I opened the door and I still didn't see anyone.

"Anyone home?!" I yelled and I didn't hear anything except the noise of crickets. I spotted stairs on the opposite part of the room. I climbed the stairs and got up to the first floor.

When I got up the stairs, I saw mom and dad on the dining table, chatting and laughing. Their faces were beaming brightly with smiles. As soon as they spotted me, they ran towards me.  

"Justin," they both shouted in unison. Mom hugged me and caressed my hair and her eyes were filled with tears, I didn't understand why... why she was being so emotional. Dad also embraced me and pecked me on my forehead. 

They were acting so strangely, as if I had been kidnapped or died and came back to life. It was so confusing.

"We thought we had lost you forever." Mom said and that confused me the more.

"What are you talking about???"

"Forget about that. Lets go eat. We've been waiting for you for dinner, and this time, I was the one who prepared it!" Dad said, trying to change the topic.

Everything felt so real. In fact, it was real.

We were eating and in between the meal, dad said something that startled me to the extreme. He was like: "Justin, you broke the most important rule of having superpowers."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You killed somebody"

"Huh??" I exclaimed as I saw a flash. It was one that showed me killing Luis Baxter, ruthlessly. Sincerely, it looked as if I were in a movie and I was looking so awesome!

"You shouldn't have killed him, not even for our sake." Mom added.

My head started spinning and memories from that fateful night came flushing into my head. Right about then, some beings jumped into the room through the window, breaking it with a loud shattering sound.

I stood up so I could protect them from whatever was happening.

They all had the same face and that face was familiar. It was Luis' face. They were about eighteen and they all wore total black, except for the one in the middle of their curve formation. He was wearing purple. He was John Coyde!

"Don't kill any of them." Dad said.


"I said, don't kill any of them!" Now, he shouted and it startled me.

They all looked at me with their vicious eyes and all pointed their guns at me. John snapped his fingers and the sixteen of them shot at me, at the exact same time.

Everything was moving slowly and I saw the bullet approach me. When they got close to me, I made all of them turn a hundred and eighty degrees and with speed, they went right back to the holes they came from. The guns exploded and I smirked at them. Now they were armless.

I looked at mom who was hiding with dad behind a large armchair. She shook her head in disapproval.

"Sorry guys, but I'm not going to let them take you away for the second time." I told them.

I fought the Luis Baxters with all the anger in me. I killed every single one of them with my bare hands. There was so much blood and dead bodies everywhere. Damn! But I had to do it.

It was just that son of a gun: Coyde. Mom and dad were perfectly safe behind the armchair. I couldn't look at them because I was pretty ashamed of myself.

"You!" I screamed with my heart beating rapidly "You're the bitch that caused all this. Your jealousy, your stupid ego. What's with you?!!"

It seemed like I was talking to myself because the dumb ass didn't say a word back to me.

"Now you're going to pay for all your sins." He looked me straight in the eyes without any bit of fear. Okay, help me make this clear, even after all his puppets I killed and all the karate skills I showcased, this guy still isn't scared...? I think he must have a lot of courage in his blood... or cocaine.

Without touching him, I made him kneel down in front of me. He was trying hard to resist it, but he just couldn't. I could see it in his facial expression.

Still having him under my control, I turned back to look at mom and dad who were still behind the chair. They both looked at me with total disappointment.

I didn't know what to do but what I was doing was for their own good, no matter how bad what I did seemed. My head was spinning again. I was so clueless, I broke down and started crying, letting him free of my influence.

Smartly, John used that to his advantage. He picked a small, bomb like object from his pocket.

"Even if I'm going to die, not alone." He muttered and threw the bomb into the corner mom and dad were hiding in. I couldn't think of what to do. I didn't expect it for one moment. Dumb of me, right.

Beep....... Beep...... Beep..... Beep.... Beep... Beep.. BOOM!


"NOOOOO!" I shouted, waking up from sleep. It was just then I realized that I was just dreaming. I was sweating and breathing heavily. Then I heard knocks at the door.

"Who's there?!" I asked, I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Its Lisa, can I come in?"

"Yeah..." I replied, groaning and she opened the door.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"It was just a nightmare. Nothing serious." I replied.

"Would you mind sharing it?"

"Actually, yes." I answered trying to be very polite.

"O...kay, so I should get going?"

"Yeah, thanks for caring"

"Okay, Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said and she left. When she did, I slammed my head on the pillow. Come on, I couldn't save them in reality and I couldn't save them in a dream. Its so pissing!

Looking back, I think the words I used were kind of harsh especially for someone who was trying to care for you. But I wasn't ready to share that nightmare with anyone because it was frightening. Plus, I don't think I need a girl in my room by this time. For hell's sake its 1:00am.

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