CHAPTER 57: Finding Lisa.

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Justin's P.O.V

I felt really bad when Lisa jumped out the window. It wasn't my fault I couldn't go with her. I had to do much of my studying his night since I hadn't been doing much of it lately. Besides, there was a lot of stuff I had to catch up on cos I resumed school at the middle of the term.

I was done reading about two hours later. Lisa still wasn't back by then. I got really scared cos she could be in grave danger. I regretted letting her go alone. Damn, it was going to be my fault if anything bad happened to her.

I knew I had to go out in search for her as soon as possible.

I put on my black pants, a pair of black trainers, a black hoodie and a face cap. I hoped she was still out there... alive.

I locked the door to my room and flew out through the same window a rejected Lisa jumped out through hours ago.

It was 2:34a.m and I had no idea where the hell she could be. My only guess was Southside Corner; that was where we always chilled at night. But she couldn't have been there for two straight hours.

I flew to Southside Corner but she wasn't there. I asked the bar tender and he said that she had left hours ago. I paced around aimlessly at the parking lot, thinking of where the hell to check next.

Then, for some crazy reason, my vision turned red. Why? I couldn't tell cos I wasn't even angry or anything.

I lifted off the ground, high into the atmosphere with great speed but against my will. I couldn't even control any of my body parts. I began flying to God knows where. I had thought those things didn't happen anymore but I was having a seizure once again.

I flew with the speed of light for some minutes before abruptly stopping and landing on the surface of the earth—precisely, a giant fenced building which I had never seen before which was right in the middle of a freaking forest. 'Why the hell is this happening?' I asked myself.

I had landed behind a large truck which was parked in front of a gigantic building. It was when I had been dropped in the middle of nowhere that the seizure knew to stop. Consequently, my vision turned back normal.

One careful look at the front of the building, I spotted some people standing at the porch. There were six girls, a guy and a person whose gender I couldn't identify.

'What the hell was he going to do with that many girls in the dead of the night? And the hell was my role in this?' I wondered, completely baffled.

I stood, still exploring reasonable answers to my question until one of them attempted attacking him. Before she could, he counter-attacked and sent her crashing on the ground near me.

I peeked beside the truck but all I could see was the back of a hood-wearing person. I wasn't able to see the face or even the hair.

He walked towards her shot at the person. I was tempted to interfere but I didn't cos I was oblivious to who was right and who was wrong.

I couldn't see what she did cos I still could only see person's back.

For some reason, when the person was shot, he didn't fall dead or even move. It was astonishing.

The person got up quickly, unharmed and then I saw some ice forming from his fists into a sword. That was when I was sure that the person in the hoodie was Lisa. Damn, I should've known.

"Game over, trafficking bitch!" I heard her say. Now I was undoubtedly sure it was Lisa. Did she need my help?

He shot at her a thousand times but she parried them with her swords. She was probably glad that she was able to show off her mastery finally... alone.

As she approached him, he walked backwards until he got back to the porch they were standing on formerly. Lisa dropped her swords on the ground for a reason I couldn't tell... then the man pointed his pistol at her. Before he could shoot her, one of the girls kicked him. It seemed like they were handcuffed or something.

Lisa fought him pretty skillfully and in the end, she stabbed him with her ice glaive. She had literally used the glaive as if she'd been using it all her life. Hell, I was so proud of her... except for the part where she killed the guy.

While she was conversing with the girls, another idiot showed up from nowhere... shooting crazily at her. I don't want to bore you with all her moves but in the end, she beheaded him. She was so freaking ruthless!

She went back to the girls and cut their handcuffs after a while of conversing. And that was when I flew closer to them. But I was so fast, no one even noticed. I hid behind one of the large pillars close to the porch. I had a bad feeling about those six girls... that's why I flew there—to get the content of the conversation.

All I heard was Lisa asking them about some collars. Turns out, they wore collars too. They said each of the collars had unique passwords and surprisingly, they all knew the passwords. There had to be some big, smelly rat right on that porch cos that was the only thing I could smell right then.

As she was about to get the last collar off the sixth girl, one of them she had helped earlier moved quietly behind her and wanted to snap her neck.

"Lisa," I yelled impulsively and luckily, she ducked. As quick as light, she formed her swords, turned back and stabbed them through both sides of the traitor's chest. Immediately she pulled them out, the girl dropped dead.

My instincts are never wrong!

"Who's next?" She asked, probably feeling euphoric.

"Me!" A blond-haired girl spoke up and tried to shoot her with some kind of blast but before she could, I flew, grabbed Lisa and got outta there. Meanwhile, the stray blast was so powerful; it hit the large truck and sent it somersaulting and exploding as it landed.

I dropped her close to the fence... far, far away from the porch.

"I'm so happy you showed up. You came right on time."

"I've actually been here for some time now, watching you finish off those bad guys." I confessed. "So... um... what the fuck are these guys???"

"I really don't know. I helped them but they decided to repay me with a stab in the back." She said. "And don't even ask me how in the world they got their powers; I'm just as shocked as you are."

I chuckled a bit. "I'm really sorry for not accompanying you; I was actually very busy."

One of them walked towards us. "We talk about this some other time when we don't have five superhuman girls trying to fry our asses?"

"Sure. But we need a plan," I stated as my vision turned red. I was glad for once that I had these powers.

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