CHAPTER 48: The Vision.

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Anastasia's P.O.V

We sat by the pool talking about the latest movies. It was pretty cool that he loved romantic movies as much as I did. I said what I did in the elevator earlier on just to mess with him; just to make him have a taste of the medicine he wanted to feed me with, and it worked; there was a drop of cold sweat trickling down his face. But it didn't make me feel any better—I only felt worse.

For some reason, I once again felt that Justin was innocent. I really felt like just calling off the whole plan but that would be trying to achieve the impossible; Alex had probably already mounted his sniper in Starlight Hotel for the past forty- five minutes, aiming his cute, little head and all he needed was my signal.

We had been staring into the beautiful, blue transparent water for up to a minute when Justin broke the silence.

"Ana..." He called out softly. 'Why the hell did he call me Ana?' I asked myself; only dad had the right to call me that! 'He better stick with Anastasia for the remaining minutes of his damn life!' I thought coldly. Anyway, I still answered.


"I got a confession to make." He declared. I knew he was about to tell me everything, about his belief that my dad was the killer of his parents and his plans to kill him but it was too late for him. I already knew everything.

"Yeah... what is it?" I asked in a calm tone even though I was gradually being consumed by curiosity. I was afraid to look at his face because I was afraid if I did, my heart would just melt for him.

He took a deep breath and waited and every second he waited felt like an hour to me. He should just get it over with.

"Okay." He finally uttered. "I really really like you." He confessed. That was not what I expected at all. Why the hell did he have to be telling me this now?!

"I'm not really good with emotions but the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one for me." Jeez! Was he proposing or something?

And to be honest, I did like him too... a whole freaking lot but since dad told me the truth about him, everything just faded away. I really didn't know what to do; tell him the truth and get my heart broken sooner or later by the tragedy of his death or just keep away.

My heart didn't let me make that choice; "I like you too." I finally confessed and it felt like I got a whole load of weight off my shoulders. How the hell did those words just fly out of my mouth like that??

I looked into his beautiful, glinting blue eyes and it was real. Everything he said was real. It'd take a really good liar to convince me this much. I unconsciously leaned forward and he did too... then we kissed.

I closed my eyes just to shut everything else in the world out of my mind and that was when everything in my vision changed. I went from seeing black to seeing a blurry, large room with a king-size bed in it. 'Where the fuck am I??'


I saw a slightly younger version of Justin in a large room, holding a torch. He walked very slowly to the edge of the bed. Everything was just so blurry but somehow, I could see properly enough. The whole thing seemed like a horror movie and for some reason; I didn't want to see what was going to happen next. Why the hell was I seeing all of this and how was I supposed to make it stop?

He called out "Mom," but no one answered.

Then he slowly lifted the blanket and saw two absolutely lifeless bodies underneath it. He screamed almost simultaneously. I could feel the grief in his voice, the despair! Then he began to weep. It was so pitiful. Damn the man who killed them!

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