CHAPTER 51: Gone.

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Coyde's P.O.V

I woke up by and Vanessa was already out of bed. I got up and went to check on Ana. I really hoped she was alright and didn't do anything stupid because finding out the person I truly was must've been devastating.

Take it from me— it really hurts when your own daughter says stuff like Ana did, to you. But she actually had all the right to be mad so I let her rake all she wanted as I stared at her exasperated face last night.

I dragged my heavy legs up the stairs to her room but when I tried to open the door, it didn't budge. It was locked. I knocked up to a thousand times but I got no response.

I knew she was still mad at me but still, we were supposed to go to church at 7:30. So, I went back down the flight of stairs, to my room and got the spare key to her room from one of my drawers that had spares for literally everything that had a lock in this house.

I tried again and fortunately, the door opened.

The room was arranged unlike last night. Her clothes had been lying everywhere they could yesterday but today, everything was different and right. Only one thing wasn't right— there was no Ana.

I walked around her room thinking about where she could be. I had no idea. That was when I spotted a note pasted on her workstation. It read:

Thank you for being such a great dad to me. I really appreciate it. Just don't you come looking for me... I feel safer where I am.

-Your daughter puppet.

It hit me like a shockwave. The message was so fucking cold. I never foresaw that she'd be mad enough to run away from the only place she could call home just because of that.

How the fuck was that boy even able to convince her after all I had done to paint him black. I regret letting her go to that damn party. But I guess she was still going to find out anyway. You can't keep a secret for so long.

Even though Ana had insulted the fuck out of me yesterday, my priority remained the same—to end his goddamn life.

I felt really scared for her because she was still going to the same school with Justin Cole. And now that she somehow helped him to kill Alex, I felt fucking bare! I still wasn't going to believe that she was the one that killed him. She must've disclosed his location to Justin and then he found a way around it... but how?? Alex wasn't just some kind of amateur bodyguard... he was trained to the max! Realizing how easy it was for that boy to kill Alex sent shivers down my spine. He was stronger than I thought. That meant I was going to have to do a lot more than the regular to get rid of him.

The good news was that I knew exactly where she ran off to. She was at her grandma's house. She was the only of our relatives that lived here in this city and they were pretty fond of each other. That's the only place she could've gone to.

So I took the cold note and tore it into the smallest bits. Then I threw them I the waste bin. I didn't really care how much she hated me now because she's soon going to realize that it was all for her.

First up... Alex.


Anastasia's P.O.V (A day later)

I stood by my locker arranging my life when Lisa walked up to me.

"Hey babe!" She hailed and we did our signature handshake. Then I showed her the golden ring Justin bought me.

"Whoa! It's so beautiful!" She cried. "He must be really into you."

"I know, right?" I said and smirked. "And now we're engaged!"

"OMG! That's big! Like, really engaged?" She asked, surprised.

"No, silly... we only exchanged rings. And guess what..." I said, waiting for her response.

"He kissed you?" She asked, knitting her brows.

"Yes, he did!" I literally screamed.

She looked kinda lost for a second but quickly wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so happy for you guys!" She congratulated. I was happy she was happy that I was happy.

"Speak of the devil..." she murmured and broke the hug. She was probably talking about Justin. "Gotta go," she said and left. She really didn't have to leave, did she?

Justin wrapped his hands around my neck from behind and whispered; "How's my beautiful girlfriend doing this morning?" And he pecked me on my cheek.

"She's fine." I answered, blushing. "How is my handsome boyfriend doing?"

"He's doing great!" Then he unwrapped his hands from my neck and I turned to face him. We held hands and looked passionately into each other's eyes. Hell, I loved his smile. It was just so... perfect.

"I'm sorry for leaving you for so long at the pool on Saturday." I apologized. "I was just so nervous ad I didn't want to do anything stu—"

"Shh..." He placed his index finger on my lips. "You did nothing wrong." He whispered soothingly. I wished what he said was actually right. Like, how was he so oblivious??

"And sometimes, it takes longer time for some people to do their business." He said and smiled evilly. I was out of words. I couldn't have ever felt any more embarrassed than that but I just couldn't help smiling.

"Am I forgiven?"

"Not really..." A smirk played across his face. "But there's one thing you could do to make it up to me."

"What's that?" I asked inquisitively.

"Maybe you could start by kissing me... right here and now."

"Really? Here?" I asked frantically. "What if we get caught?"

"We won't." And without thinking twice, I succumbed to his charm and kissed him.

When it was finally over and I opened my eyes, I saw the whole freaking hall staring right at us. It felt so awkward.

Damn, I knew that was gonna happen. Hell! "They're staring at us." I murmured, looking into his magical ocean eyes. Though I was supposed to be panicking, I was calm. I don't know but I felt pretty secure around him.

"So what? We just updated them on our relationship status." He stated plainly. I guess he was accustomed to this whole popularity shit. "Let me walk you to class." He suggested.

"Anything you say." I was pretty new to all this 'boyfriend- girlfriend' stuff but he made it really easy for me. And to be honest, it was all I ever dreamt of; a handsome, caring and romantic boyfriend. Who gives a damn if he's the son of my dad's ex-rival? Dad could go shit himself for all I care. By the way, I was even taking a break from him until he was ready to grow up and leave the past to be the past. But he just wouldn't. He was just too stubborn.

We held hands and walked through the hall as some students cheered.

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