CHAPTER 69: Perfectly Sideways.

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Justin's P.O.V

Two days to go, I thought to myself as I lay on my bed, face-up, playing Shadow Fight 3. It was the one thing that really interested me. That was when I heard rapped knocks at my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Lisa," she replied. Ugh! What did she want from me this time? It was just 8:00am and I really didn't want to get up from bed right then.

"I'm coming," I replied as I reluctantly stood up from bed and went to the door. I wasn't going to let her in and she knew better that coming in without permission.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey, Lisa. How are you doing this morning?" I asked, feigning a smile. I just wanted her gone so I could go back to bed.

"I'm great," she replied with a wide grin. "You?"

"I'm good. By the way, what brings you here?" I asked out of curiosity, thanking God that the first thing she did was not to kiss me.

"Won't you welcome me in?"

I chuckled and muttered a faint no. These days, I just felt a little too uncomfortable in her presence.

"Alright then. Just came to notify you that dad said we'd be going out to the beach by two." Why in the world???


"Just Mom, Dad, you and me. It's not a party," she ended. I let out a sigh in my mind. I could not go to the beach with only Lisa. Look, if Bob and Mirabel were not going, I wasn't going to go either. I don't even know why I have to go. Is it obligatory? But again, I can't go against Bob's orders.


"They said to be ready before then," she added.

"Okay, thanks."

"Yeah. Have a nice..." I slammed the door before she could complete her statement and slumped on my bed.

Why the hell did Bob and Mirabel want to make us go to the beach together again. I was fed up of having Lisa seduce me. Damn! I honestly didn't want what had happened the last time to repeat itself.

Just then, an idea flew into my head—I could invite Ana. That way, Lisa would notice her presence and keep her enticing body parts to herself. It was the only way I could make her keep off.

I picked up my phone and texted Ana.

'Would you like to go out to the beach with me and my family? They asked that I invite you'

'Sure, why not?' She asked and sent a smiling emoji.

'Tysm. It's by two tho,' I texted again.

'Cool. I'll be there.'

'Thanks. Love you!'

'Yeah, Love you too,' and then she sent a heart emoji. I was so glad Ana would be coming. Lisa would certainly not be dumb enough to make moves in her presence.


The drive to the beach was pretty long and totally boring no matter how interesting Bob and Mirabel tried to make it. So in the end, they just stuck with music. Lisa merely stared into her phone, with her eyes glued to its screen.

Soon enough, we got to the beach and that was when Bob and Mirabel decided that it was the best time to explain to me that he and Mirabel would be going to a cinema on foot not so far away, leaving the Honda jeep here. It was just a crazy turn of events. If I had known this since, I wouldn't have come to this damn place. Why the hell didn't they tell me??? It must have been Lisa's doing, I concluded.

Anyway, they left us at the beach after telling us to take care and handing the car keys over to me. The jeep was stocked with all the supplies we needed.

Immediately they left, the whole situation felt so freaking awkward to me. Being alone with Lisa just felt awkward.

Well, I didn't say anything till she broke the silence. "Yeah, you're right. It was my doing." She said like some kind of sinister villain. Did she read my mind or something?

I didn't reply her pretty much cos I didn't have anything to say to her.

Anyway, we managed to set everything up by the bank of the waters. I was putting on a white T-shirt and a pair of baggy shorts with a pair of sunglasses.

The sun was pretty intense so I sat on a beach chair we had set up, under an umbrella.

Surprisingly, Lisa didn't wear a bikini and her bum-shorts this time... looks like her aim isn't to seduce me anymore. I felt a wave of relief at that.

Just as Lisa sat down on the beach chair beside me, I spotted Anastasia. My heart literally skipped a beat as she turned to look in my direction. We were about a hundred meters apart but I still felt that connection that enabled me recognize her instantly. Even from afar, she was as gorgeous as hell!

"Justin," she yelled and began running towards me. Like a reflex action, I too began running towards her. If you watched it in slow motion, it'll totally look like a Zee World movie but right then, I didn't really care about anything else. I practically forgot that I had deserted Lisa who sat beside me.

We met seconds later and embraced each other as if we hadn't seen each other for years. But actually, those few weeks I spent in Sia felt like years—years away from Anastasia. Her cologne was pretty enticing and it fell so damn amazing being in her arms once again.

Soon, we freed each other and rested her head on my chest while I caressed her beautiful red hair.

"I've missed you a lot." I whispered to her.

"Me too," she whispered back with a light, soothing voice.

"Let's go," I suggested still caressing her hair and she nodded.

We had probably been an object of spectacle to the multitude present and the beach but I couldn't care less. I wrapped my hand around her waist while she rested her hand on my shoulder as we walked towards Lisa who was still sitting not bothered about us in the least. But we got to her, she stood up.

"Oh hey Lisa," Ana greeted warmly "It's been long."

"Yeah... Hi Staci" she blurted out. It was so evident that she was faking it. Hell, I just knew this was going to happen; the hatred, the bad blood... I just wish I could prevent it.

"How've you been?" Lisa asked. She would probably get an F in Acting if it was a subject.

"I've been great. Jason asked me to greet you."

"Oh really? How has he been?"

"Good too. But he always complains that you don't visit any longer"

"Well, I was not around for most of the holiday" she stated with a nervous laugh.

"While you guys continue your woman-to-woman conversation, I'll go get Ana a chair from the car." I said and left. I just couldn't stay.

By the time I was back with the chair, the girls had taken the conversation far away from our spot.

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