CHAPTER 36: Blue Pupils.

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Lisa's P.O.V

I woke up on a bright Tuesday morning with a banging headache. As I stood up from my bed, the memories from last night came flooding into my mind and it made my headache more severe. I couldn't remember everything clearly but I could try.

Yesterday, when we were in the attic, looking at the face of that ice covered man who was in our custody, made me overwhelmed with rage. I didn't understand why the hell he wanted to end my happiness before it even began.

Maybe it was because of the anger or something I can't figure out, but everything started looking blue and blurry to me. It was as if a blue film had been placed over my eyes. And then the next thing I saw was me bending down to pick up a baseball bat and using it to break the ice that covered his face.

I started yelling questions which I can't recall, at the man regardless of the fact that it was midnight and mum and dad could hear me and come up here to look for me.

The ice covered man kept mute despite all my yelling and that infuriated me more. Both of my hands started creeping with cold plates of ice until they reached the middle of my arm, like a glove. Then, I started making weird hand movements that I didn't even understand and some spike-like materials made of ice started appearing in the air one by one. All their sharp apexes pointed at his wet face. He look a bit frightened but despite the fear, he resolved to keep quiet.

His disregard angered me even more and then the thought of ending his life crept into my mind like vines. I had made those spikes just to scare him but since he wasn't ready to cooperate, I decided to actually use them on him. I moved my hand backwards and then forward very fast and the icicles went flying towards his beautiful face so fast, nothing on earth could save him.

I was astounded when Justin stretched his hand out and saved the dumb man from my icy ire. But now when I look back, I am happy that Justin did save that man from me. If I did, my life wouldn't have been the same.

But my questions still remain unanswered. Who was the man and who sent him? Also, the way Justin behaved told me that there was more to the whole thing than I thought... did he know the man or something? What happened yesterday was so disorienting.

Anyways, I got to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then take a warm bath. When I looked at myself in the mirror, nothing had changed. It was still the same old me. Everything seemed normal and then I began wondering how in the world I got those powers. Maybe I was just given the powers by some mystical creature to protect Justin just for that night and by now, the powers had vanished. I hoped that was the case because I didn't like the idea of going insane and doing stuff I normally won't do.

I was done brushing and then I stared intently at my reflection. It was as if I was waiting patiently for something to happen, and it did after all; the blue pupils showed up!

Everything looked blue again. As I looked closely in the mirror, I saw those glowing blue pupils surrounded by my light brown iris. Well, I actually didn't see the iris to be light brown.

Then the little plates of ice came crawling up my forearm again till they finally got to my elbow. Unlike ice, they felt kind of warm to me.

My reflection looked extremely powerful and evil. I looked powerful and evil! Then I felt an evil air rush in. It went around me a couple of times, making my hair waver. I felt a power coursing through my veins. Rushing so fast, I thought I was going to burst and freeze my whole bathroom or something worse.

Just as I got to the climax of the whole incident, the blue pupils faded into black. The ice plates that covered my fore arm, disappeared and the evil, mysterious wind left.

You can't guess how excited I was about the fact that I didn't destroy a thing in my bathroom although those pupils had literally taken me over. I remember vividly, that day Justin almost slit my throat because he 'couldn't control himself' I just hope I never get to the level of killing someone because of this unrequested superpower.

That day, his pupils were red. But why are mine blue? 'Maybe it's because his are red, that's why he's a lot more aggressive when they appear.' I suggested to myself. But I was equally as aggressive as he normally is, yesterday night. So that certainly didn't answer my question

I wondered why on earth we have superpowers. Why do our eyes turn different colors? Who else in my dad's lineage has these superpowers? Are those powers limited to just us- the Coles or are there other people suffering from it? What role does my great-grandfather have to play in all this shit when he died like a century ago?? But again, my limitless questions remained unanswered. It was pretty unfair to me that I didn't know who I am or what I am because there's no one to answer my questions except Justin. And I bet he's just as blank as I am on this.

And I wasn't supposed to tell mom and dad about it. To make it worse, I had to keep this mind-enslaving power a secret from the whole world. Like... how on earth is that possible when it 'erupts' anytime it wants to and I don't even know how to control it.

I felt vexed about the fact that I was the one chosen to house this good-for-nothing superpower. But since there was nothing I could do about it, I just stepped into the cool bathtub.


At school, Anastasia told me that we needed to talk and that I should see her in the library after school if my schedule permits. I agreed, though she didn't tell me what the meeting was going to be about. But I knew instinctively that it had something to do with Justin. It surely did.

That was before classes and it was already just a lesson to the end of classes. I tried to decide whether to ditch the meeting or not to. I decided not to because ditching is cowardice and I don't like cowards. And also, I know that it will be wrong to keep her waiting for such a long time just to find out that I ditched.

I wasn't even going to have anything doing when Justin is having his soccer practice after school. And staying in that wretched field was torture cos of those shameless boys who think it is fun to bully girls and those ones who go around flirting with anything that would wear a skirt.

I resolved to try my best not to lose my temper no matter what she says. I don't know why but since Justin came into both our lives, we haven't been the same. He was unintentionally tearing us apart and I really didn't like that.


Hey people, how was the chapter? I hope it wasn't boring. Please don't forget to vote, comment and keep reading.


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