CHAPTER 17: Our Chemistry.

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Anastasia's P.O.V

I got to school and it was five minutes to the beginning of classes. I was arranging my locker when Lisa came up to me. "Hey babe," I said to her. She had a really large smile on her face and i hardly ever saw her smile this much.

"Hey," She replied and I put my Physics textbook in my locker before we did our secret handshake. We were so close, we had a handshake only us could do... and it was so dope I wish I could show you. Most of the students of The Empire wanted to imitate it but when they found out they couldn't, they just created theirs.

"So, how have you been? You look very happy today, what's up?" I asked curiously.

She didn't reply and just kept smiling.

That wasn't my main aim so I didn't press any further. "So... how has it been? Living with your cousin and all..."

"Its been cool?" She replied plainly.

"He's really hot!" I said unconsciously.

"Justin?" She asked.

"Yeah, him. Don't you think so too?"

"Yeah, he actually is. Why?"

I didn't know whether to say what I wanted to say or not, because I thought it was too early for me to start saying stuff like that... but hey... what are best friends for?

Lisa's P.O.V

"I kinda like your cousin." She said.

"Oh, that's awesome!" I rejoiced. "I'm happy for you... you've finally found someone else to replace that jerky ex-boyfriend of yours."

"Yeah.. I am too." She said and paused. "And I was hoping you could hook me up with him, since he's your cousin. You could tell him about me or just anything you can do to help me in this." She sounded like she was dead serious. She really liked him.

"He already knows about you. Doesn't he?"

"Yeah, but you could..."

"I'll do what I can." I said and immediately, the bell went, signalling the beginning of classes.


Justin's P.O.V

After school, which was so long, but not so boring, I got my new textbooks and my new notebooks and got them arranged in my new locker.

When I was done arranging the books in the locker, I closed it and decided I was going to man up and talk to Anastasia about how I felt. She was in the library and the only one on the table she was sitted on. I figured that that was the best time to talk to her.

Lisa made me wait yesterday so it was my turn to make her pay.

 I got into the library and walked towards the table she was sitting on. Her eyes were stuck in the textbook she was reading. It was probably a very important assignment she was doing. Assignments I didn't get to do because I was new🙃😏

"Hey," I greeted as I sat in front of her

"Oh hi," She replied, closing her textbook and then looking straight into my eyes with her perfect, green eyes. Damn! She was so drop-dead gorgeous, I could even drop dead for her.

'God! Where did this kind of angel come from?' I thought. She was probably the Angel of Love, but in human form. Everything about her was just perfect... from her captivating emerald green eyes to her extremely beautiful red hair, her pink lips, her perfect set of teeth, everything!

"So... what's up?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I had wanted to tell her exactly how I felt about her but just as I saw her, everything I had planned on saying just disappeared. Damn! I was just so speechless.

"Chemistry!" I finally answered.

"What about Chemistry?" She asked.

"I want you to teach me" I paused. "I need to catch up with the other students in class."

"I'll be delighted to... So, which topic don't you understand?" She asked.

I said the first thing that came to my mind; "Chemical Combination"

"Okay!" She said and she began teaching me.

I didn't really need any tutelage on that topic. In fact, that topic was so easy, she was probably going to think I'm dumbass. I only mentioned it because it was my best topic. I just wanted to be close to her. I just wanted to hear her speak to me.

Okay... this was so unlike me and very weird. What's going on with me? I had never felt like this about any girl in my life and now John Coyde's daughter? Shit! I have big problems.

After talking about 'Chemical Combination,' she went on to explain efflorescence and hygroscopy and other chemistry stuff to me but I wasn't listening. She was so smart and I was just staring at her and nothing more. I think she knew I was looking at her but she just tried not to look at me.

"Thank you so much." I said when she was done teaching.

"Anytime... Do you understand everything I just said?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do." Damn, I was so lying. I didn't get any single word she said.

"Okay. So, I'm going to get going." She said, packing up her stuff. I really stopped her progress in her assignment so I wasn't going to leave without doing what I actually came here for

"I was wondering if you could go out with me" I said when I summoned enough courage "To 'Le Grande Cinema' on Saturday" I continued.

"Of course. I'd love to" She said with her angelic voice and slightly blushed. I hoped she liked me as much as I did, her.

"Its a date then... I'll pick you up by 6"

"Okay. I'll be waiting." My heart was jumping non-stop.

"Bye" I said and I stood up and walked backwards towards the door I was still looking at her and waiting for her reply.

"Goodbye... Don't forget to practice your Chemistry" She said.

"I won't!" 


'Hey, where are you???' Lisa texted me.

'I was in the library with Anastasia,' I replied.

'Why didn't you tell me earlier so I would have found something better to do with my life' She replied, probably angry.

'I'm sorry🥺🥺' I texted back.

'Alright. We should head home now' She replied.

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