03: Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Now, they were all gathered in the Great Hall. The new students had been sorted into their houses, and they were already fed and watered before listening to Dumbledore's address.

He explained that Mr. Filch had increased the number of forbidden objects inside the castle, and they could check the list later. He also reminded them that the forest on the grounds was off-limits to students, and Hogsmeade visits were restricted to students below third year.

But everyone's whispers escalated when Dumbledore announced that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup would not take place this year.

"While this castle will be your home, it will also be home to some very special guests," Dumbledore continued. As he spoke, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, ran up to Professor Dumbledore, muttering something to which the professor responded in a monotone that was impossible to understand. As Cassiopeia turned around, she saw Harry and his two friends nearby. Their eyes met, and she waved at him, receiving a warm smile in return.

Cassiopeia really wanted to talk to him soon.

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore continued as Mr. Filch hurried back to his position near the doors. Her attention returned to the professor as he explained, "The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete."

"Whoa!" She couldn't help but exclaim, but Draco kicked her in the leg and whispered, "Shush." She complied and listened to the rest of Dumbledore's speech.

"Now let me be clear," he paused for effect. "If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted."

"Like you," Cassiopeia mocked, turning to Draco, who gritted his teeth.

"I'm not faint-hearted," he growled, making her giggle. She didn't miss an opportunity to tease him about it.

"Yes, you are," she enjoyed getting under his skin, knowing he couldn't retaliate. He was well aware that if her aunt Narcissa found out, he'd surely get scolded. She stuck her tongue out at him, watching him clench his fists under the table. "I'm just kidding, Mal—"

Before she could finish, the doors opened, revealing a group of beautiful girls in blue attire. Dumbledore's voice became faint as he introduced, "The lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."

The girls drew attention from every boy in the hall, but her gaze was caught by the headmistress's imposing figure.

"It's not a wonder why her name is Maxime," she commented to Draco, nodding in the direction of the woman walking behind the girls. Draco glanced at her, then back at her.

"What did you say earlier?" He brought up the argument they had before.

"I was just kidding, Draco," she rolled her eyes at him. "Why do you take it so seriously if you're not faint-hearted?"

"You're really getting on my nerves, Cassie."

"I enjoy that, Draco," she smirked, turning her attention back to the podium where Dumbledore was raising his hand in the air.

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff," Dumbledore announced. Handsome boys with a distinguished aura walked along, leaving a lasting impression on everyone.

At the end, the high master approached Dumbledore and hugged him as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time.

Dumbledore continued his speech, introducing them to the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Alastor Moody. After dinner, everyone made their way to their dorms.

Pansy started to befriend Cassiopeia, acting nicer now that she realized she had nothing going on with Draco as she had assumed. She could tell Pansy hoped this would improve her chances with him. As they walked together, she spotted the Trio and informed Pansy to go ahead to their dorm while she ran over to Harry.

"Hey, Harry," Cassiopeia greeted, stopping near them, almost out of breath. Hermione was the first to hug her tightly, telling her how much she missed her, followed by Harry. Ron didn't hug her, as they weren't as close as Harry and Hermione.

"Bloody hell, you ran?" Ron gasped, seeing her still catching her breath. She only nodded at him before turning to Harry.

"Harry, I want to talk to you alone," Cassiopeia said, emphasizing the last word, which puzzled them. Harry glanced at Hermione and Ron with a questioning look before turning to her. He nodded, and they walked away until they found an empty corridor with dim lighting.

"Is everything alright, Cassie?" Harry asked with concern.

"Yeah, I just want to know something," she sighed, mentally questioning how to explain what she wanted to know. His eyes showed he was waiting for her to continue. "Actually, you've seen Tom Riddle, right?"

"What?" Harry gasped, making her gulp. Confusion was evident on his face. "Yes, but why are you asking like that?"

"I want to know how he looks, I mean his appearance," Harry's brow furrowed with suspicion. "Please, I know this is weird, but I can't tell you the reason right now. I promise I'll tell you when the time comes. For now, please help me."

She pleaded with him to share every detail about Tom Riddle. Harry took a deep breath and began describing him.

"He's a tall and slim boy with jet black hair, like you. His eyes are dark brown, and he has pale skin—"

"Was he a prefect? Slytherin?"

"Y-yeah," Harry stuttered. "How do you know that? I've never told you anything about him except his name, Cassie."

"Then that's him," Cassiopeia mumbled. She leaned against the wall, hugging her knees to her chest.

It couldn't be anyone else; it was the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

Why is he in her dreams? And why is she dating him? Does that mean the boy she's fallen for is a non-existent, evil person?

"Are you alright?" Harry bent down, resting his hand on her shoulder with concern. She only nodded.

"Please don't tell anyone, not even Hermione, Ron, and especially not Draco."

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