54: The Dark Days at Hogwarts

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The news struck Cassiopeia like a bolt of lightning. Dolores Jane Umbridge, with her sickening pink presence, had replaced Albus Dumbledore as the head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There were few things worse than this.

Since Dumbledore's unexplained disappearance, Umbridge had taken charge, declaring herself headmistress. Cassiopeia couldn't help but feel a deep sense of despair. Dumbledore's Army had faced this terrible turn of events, and it was her first day back at Hogwarts.

The first day of Umbridge's rule was a tragedy for all. The Great Hall was a place of punishment, with students forced to write lines using her special quills. The pain in their hands was agonizing, while Umbridge sat on her fancy chair, sipping tea with a contented smile. If it weren't for her position in the Ministry, Cassiopeia would have been sorely tempted to hex her.

Being the only Slytherin receiving detention was not as glorious as it may sound. It earned her betrayed glances from her own housemates. Every time she entered the Common Room, Crabbe and Goyle exchanged rude comments, and Draco remained silent, not standing up for her.

Pansy and Blaise, her closest friends, avoided her, hurting Cassiopeia more than she could express. When she entered the dorm, Pansy acted as if she were invisible.

Finally, the torture of Umbridge's detention ended, and everyone left the Great Hall, holding their aching hands. Cho Chang, who had betrayed them to Umbridge, stood alone, ignored by her former allies.

Cassiopeia felt the need to speak to Cho, to understand why she had done it. But her attention was quickly diverted when she saw Nigel, a young Gryffindor, wincing as he held his injured hand. He was still a child, and his pain tugged at Cassiopeia's heart.

"It's hurt, Cassie." Nigel, with a tear-stained face, said.

She wrapped her arm around Nigel's shoulder, giving him a gentle side hug. Cassiopeia comforted him, patting his head and leading him into an empty corridor.

Kneeling in front of him, Cassiopeia held his hand, inspecting the scar on the back of it. She knew she had a unique ability to heal people, but she couldn't do it for everyone.

"I think I owe you something for trusting me," she told Nigel. "But don't tell anyone, okay?"

Nigel nodded, and Cassiopeia used her gift to heal his injured hand. He watched in amazement as the pain disappeared, his eyes wide with wonder. "How did you do it?"

"Well, I have an ability to heal people."

As she smiled at him, Nigel asked a question that took her by surprise. "Why were you sorted into Slytherin? Slytherins are usually selfish and self-preserved, but you're different."

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow, amused by his comment. "Is that a compliment, Nigel?"

He put his hand over his chest and bowed dramatically. "I'm stating my heartfelt opinion, Angel Cassiopeia."

Cassiopeia laughed at his theatrics. "Alright, now the angel wants her child to sleep. Come, come."

Nigel continued to walk with her, a smile on his face. "Am I your child?"

Cassiopeia chuckled. "If you don't like it, I'll say you're the little brother I never had."

Nigel returned her smile, and together, they walked back to the Common Room, realizing the bond between them growing stronger. Cassiopeia found herself at a crossroads in the corridor, caught between Nigel and the approaching Harry. She was pondering how to escort Nigel back to his Common Room when Harry arrived. With a gentle smile, she handed Nigel over to Harry, bidding them both farewell.

As she entered the Slytherin Common Room, she couldn't shake off the unpleasant words she overheard from Crabbe. The term "blood traitor" stung, and her eyebrows furrowed at the hurtful comment. She spotted Draco, Pansy, and Blaise sitting on the couch, indicating they had heard it as well. But they remained silent, choosing not to react.

Feeling defeated, Cassiopeia let out a sigh and decided to retreat to her dormitory. She couldn't bear the weight of their insults any longer. She'd had enough of the taunts and began to employ a strategy of ignoring them. It was her way of coping with the relentless mockery.

Deep down, she was hurting, and what hurt the most was that she had no true friends in any other house to turn to for support. The Slytherin Common Room had become a hostile place.

However, Crabbe and Goyle weren't done. Their cruel comments continued to echo behind her.

"Did you hear what I said?" Crabbe's voice reached her ears. "I've heard that the Black family disowns anyone who goes against their traditions, so this Cassiopeia Black will be cast aside soon."

Laughter erupted among Crabbe's companions. Cassiopeia's hands clenched into fists, and she could feel her anger rising. She desperately wanted to turn back and hex them into silence. But the thought of another detention with Umbridge, facing her Inquisitorial Squad goons, forced her to control her temper.

Taking deep breaths, she repeated a mantra in her mind: "Calm yourself, Cassiopeia."

But Goyle wasn't done, and his mocking words stung even more. "A pathetic girl just lost her parents and decided to join Potter's army."

Cassiopeia bit her lip until it hurt. She couldn't take this anymore. Her patience had worn thin, and she couldn't endure the constant taunts.

She turned around, wearing a proud smile, masking the hurt she felt deep inside. The Slytherin Common Room fell into an eerie silence as she approached Crabbe and Goyle, who stood near the entrance.

"Seriously, Crabbe?" She stepped closer to him, her voice dripping with disdain. There was an intense pause as they stared at her with smirks on their faces.

Cassiopeia pointed her wand at Crabbe's throat and locked eyes with him, her tone unwavering. "I think your parents failed to teach you how to mind your own business, instead of gossiping like silly schoolgirls, huh?"

Her gaze then shifted to Goyle, whose eyes widened as she continued. "And you, if you wish to avoid the Cruciatus Curse, I suggest you shut your mouth and keep your distance from me."

With that, Cassiopeia stepped back, her death glares still searing into their memories as she left the Common Room. All she knew was that she was reaching her breaking point, and it was only a matter of time before she would break down.

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