43: A Clash of Authority

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Cassiopeia found herself amidst a tumultuous crowd of students all rushing to a particular area of the Hogwarts grounds. Frowning in confusion, she was intercepted by her friend Pansy before she could take another step.

"C'mon, something terrible is going to happen," Pansy urged, gripping Cassiopeia's elbow and leading her toward the unfolding incident. At first, Cassiopeia couldn't discern the nature of the commotion.

Mr. Filch, the caretaker, was in possession of a trunk that Cassiopeia assumed belonged to Professor Trelawney. The Divination professor seemed overwhelmed and disheartened, perched on another trunk behind her own. It appeared as though she was facing expulsion from Hogwarts.

Suddenly, the woman Cassiopeia despised more than anyone else, the pink-clad and eccentric Umbridge, emerged through the crowd of students. As she walked toward their hapless professor, she wore a proud and smug expression, while Trelawney stumbled and clung to her trunk. It was as if she was about to be forcibly removed from the school.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here," Trelawney whimpered, her voice quavering with emotion. "Hogwarts is my home; you can't do this."

"Actually, I can," Umbridge declared, holding up a folded parchment and feigning a sorrowful look. Professor Trelawney's sobs escaped, and suddenly, Professor McGonagall made her way toward the distraught woman, offering her support.

"Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge inquired, wearing a fake expression of sympathy.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," Professor McGonagall's voice was stern, but her eyes showed sympathy for her colleague's predicament. "There..."

Just then, the huge doors leading to the school swung open, capturing everyone's attention. All heads turned to the doors where a tall, elderly man stood. Umbridge gazed straight at him, unwavering.

Dumbledore swiftly made his way to the three women at the center of the scene.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbledore requested, prompting grateful sobs from Professor Trelawney, who was unable to adequately express her gratitude at the moment.

"Sybil, dear, this way," Professor McGonagall said, leading Trelawney toward the castle and passing by Dumbledore. Trelawney took a moment to convey her gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered, squeezing his hand and offering a thankful smile before she left the scene in the company of their deputy headmistress.

Umbridge quickly began to boast about her authority, her breathless voice filled with arrogance.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23, as enacted by the minister—"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds," Dumbledore calmly interjected, cutting off the rude lady. His voice was stern, a clash of authority between the two formidable figures. "That power remains with the headmaster."

Cassiopeia couldn't help but revel in the triumph evident on Umbridge's face being dashed by Dumbledore's words. A victorious smile crept across her own face, despite there being no direct reason for her to feel this way. Watching Umbridge's defeat in front of the entire school brought her an unusual sense of satisfaction. For all her insufferable behavior, she deserved it.

"For now," Umbridge replied with a smile that held a subtle warning, indicating her intention to grasp more power in the future.

Dumbledore glanced at her and then at the assembled students, before turning back towards the castle.

"Don't you all have studying to do?" he boomed, and the students quickly dispersed, including Cassiopeia and Pansy, who made their way to their class.

"That's what Dumbledore was discussing when I went to see him," Cassiopeia remarked to Pansy. "He seemed stressed about the whole Ministry situation."

"This woman is insane," Pansy lamented, shaking her head.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so," Cassiopeia responded as they walked to class. "Do you think we'll still have Divination class after what just happened?"

"Perhaps someone else will take the class. Where are Draco and Blaise?" Pansy wondered as they approached the classroom.

"I thought they were with you, whe—"

"There they are," Pansy interrupted, pointing to the boys. Draco was sitting with Crabbe and Goyle, while Blaise occupied a seat behind them.

They headed towards Blaise, and Pansy frowned as Cassiopeia changed her course to sit with Harry. She had an inkling of what Pansy was thinking.

"I can't stand those two idiots. I'd rather sit with Gryffindors than with them," Cassiopeia explained, prompting Pansy to roll her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes; we'll talk after class," Cassiopeia teased as she playfully tapped Pansy's upper arm and then proceeded to join Harry.

"Hey, how are you?" she asked as she settled down beside him. Harry was initially taken aback but then managed to smile.

"Oh, hi. I'm good, well—uhm," he began, hesitating to speak.

"Is everything alright? You look stressed every time I meet you," Cassiopeia remarked, her brows furrowing in concern.

Harry clasped his hands together, evidently gearing up to say something. However, before he could, Professor McGonagall entered the classroom.

"Today, I'm going to swap this class with Transfiguration."

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