33: Dolores Umbridge's Arrival

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Professor Dolores Umbridge's introduction to Hogwarts brought an atmosphere of discomfort and apprehension. Cassiopeia couldn't help but be captivated by the peculiar lady, dressed head to toe in pink, and sporting a disconcertingly sweet smile. Her attention drifted towards Snape, who seemed thoroughly displeased with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The whispered rumor had been that Snape was expecting the position, yet fate had assigned it to this odd, pink-clad woman.

"—We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge..." Dumbledore's voice echoed in the Great Hall.

As the students and staff gathered for the start of the school year, Cassiopeia found herself more focused on Snape's intense gaze directed at Umbridge than on Dumbledore's opening speech. Umbridge's intrusive giggle, a strange interruption to the headmaster's address, drew everyone's attention to her. The room fell into a tense hush as the new DADA teacher confidently made her way to the front, her hands clasped together.

"Thank you, headmaster for those kind words of welcome," Umbridge addressed the audience, her saccharine smile never leaving her face.

Dumbledore remained silent, allowing her to speak, though it was evident that she wasn't initially part of the program.

"And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me-"

"I don't feel happy, but nauseous," Cassiopeia muttered under her breath, loud enough for Draco to hear. He responded with a well-practiced elbow nudge, reminding her to keep her comments to herself.

"I'm sure we'll all going to be very good friends," Umbridge continued.

"In your wildest dreams," Cassiopeia couldn't resist adding, her tone laced with a touch of amusement. This, of course, earned her another elbow from Draco.

"Shut your mouth before she gets you to the podium," Draco hissed, and Cassiopeia nodded, directing her gaze back to the front of the hall. She felt Dumbledore's eyes on her, which made her uncomfortable, so she quickly shifted her attention to her plate.

Umbridge's speech continued, her high-pitched voice causing discomfort. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," she said.

Cassiopeia couldn't help but shoot a disdainful look at Umbridge, her high-pitched voice grating on her eardrums.

"Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school.... progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged," Umbridge went on. "Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected...and prune practices that ought to be prohibited"

Cassiopeia's gaze remained fixed on Umbridge as the woman hissed the word "prohibited," accompanied by an unpleasant giggle.

Dumbledore politely clapped at the end of her speech, prompting the rest of the audience to follow suit. As Umbridge returned to her seat, Dumbledore resumed his remarks.

"The Ministry of Magic is going to interfere with Hogwarts, it seems."

Cassiopeia furrowed her brows. "Why's that?" she inquired, curious about the reasons behind such interference.

Draco, however, didn't have a straightforward answer. He shook his head, leaving the question unanswered.

"I want to talk with you," he eventually muttered, leaning closer to her.

Cassiopeia agreed with a nod. "Yeah, sure," she said, speaking in an undertone. "Any problem?"

Draco seemed hesitant, stammering a bit. "No, I just—"

"Alright, alright. Save it," Cassiopeia said, grinning and refocusing her attention on Professor Dumbledore's words.

After the ceremony, as they left the Great Hall, Cassiopeia and Draco sought a quiet spot to have a conversation away from the Common Room, as she had to meet with Dumbledore before curfew.

Cassiopeia's concern for her cousin was evident. "What happened, Draco? You okay?" she asked, sensing that something might be bothering him.

Draco took a deep breath before he spoke, a gesture that suggested he was struggling with what he wanted to say. "Actually, uhhm--" He began tentatively. "I want to apologize to you."

Cassiopeia was taken aback. Draco Malfoy, who wasn't known for making genuine apologies, had her attention. "What?" she asked, surprised by his unexpected confession. "Did I mishear you?"

Draco shook his head and dismissed her light-hearted reaction. "Oh, Cassie, don't be frivolous," he said. "I just want to tell you that I've come to realize that the way I behaved last year wasn't good. I'm sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable."

He sighed and looked down, seemingly relieved to have expressed his remorse. Cassiopeia could see the sincerity in his eyes. It was a pleasant surprise to hear him apologize, especially considering how he had treated Harry at the station.

In response to his apology, Cassiopeia reached out and gently patted his upper arms. She wore a reassuring smile. "That's alright," she said, echoing his sentiments. "I'm sorry too. I should have intervened when you did the same thing after the first time. I even tried to use you as a distraction."

Draco's lips curved into a faint smile as he appreciated her understanding.

"And, even if it failed, I did something wrong too," Cassiopeia added, acknowledging her own mistakes.

Draco's brows raised inquisitively. "That means everything between us is normal, like those days?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

Cassiopeia nodded, her smile brightening. "Yes, Draco, everything's as it should be."

Curiosity piqued, she inquired about a recent family matter. "By the way, how did Uncle change his mind about switching your marriage to Astoria Greengrass?"

Draco sighed as he explained, "Mother argued with him. She made it clear that it couldn't be done, that it would be a form of incestuous marriage."

Cassiopeia sighed in relief. "Finally, Auntie got the point," she remarked. "I wish you could have such a good brain."

Draco mockingly raised an eyebrow in response to her teasing. "Saying you have a good brain?" he retorted.

"No, I said Auntie Narcissa has a good brain, you deaf oaf," Cassiopeia playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

Draco chuckled. "You are amusing, Black."

"You're a Drama Queen, Malfoy," Cassiopeia teased, rolling her eyes.

They concluded their conversation with a plan to meet later. "So, I have to meet with Dumbledore. I'll catch up with Blaise and Pansy in the Common Room, okay?" Cassiopeia informed Draco, extending her clenched knuckle for a customary parting gesture.

"See ya," Draco replied, smiling and bumping his knuckle against hers before walking away.

As soon as Draco disappeared from her sight,Cassiopeia made her way to the headmaster's office for her scheduled meetingwith Dumbledore.

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