107: Cassiopeia Lestrange - Theodore's Discovery

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Cassiopeia handed a parchment filled with diagrams and notes to Gregory. They had been studying charms for the past week, making sure he was well-prepared for his upcoming exams. She watched as he examined the parchment carefully while she focused on grading the essay he had written about potions.

"You're a good tutor, Cassie. Thank you very much," Gregory said, acknowledging her effort.

"No worries," Cassiopeia smiled at him. "I hope you do well on your exams this time."

She then returned her attention to his essay, marking some points he had missed. Gregory's concentration had improved significantly during their tutoring sessions, though she occasionally had to remind him to stay focused.

It had been a challenging week, but she felt it was a rewarding experience for both of them. Not only was she helping Gregory, but it was also an opportunity for her to review and solidify her own understanding of the subjects.

"I marked some places you need to amend in your notes," she told him, handing back his essay. "And, by tomorrow, complete the essay on healing charms. Is that all right?"

"Yes, that's all good," Gregory replied, beginning to gather his books and papers.

Just as they were about to finish, Theodore appeared, catching both Cassiopeia and Gregory by surprise. He had a dark green book in hand and a mischievous grin on his face.

"Here you are, Cassiopeia," Theodore exclaimed, plopping down beside her. His three friends joined him, and they sat on the couch opposite Cassiopeia and Gregory.

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow, standing up, and asked, "What's going on, Theodore?"

"Wait, I've got to show you something," Theodore smirked, grabbing her wrist to make her sit back down. "I found someone who looks like you from the 1940s."

Cassiopeia was intrigued by Theodore's mysterious tone. She watched as he opened a photo album, much like the one she had seen at Malfoy Manor. Pansy and Blaise entered the Common Room and noticed her sitting next to Theodore. Cassiopeia signaled for them to join, and Pansy sat on her lap, creating an oddly cozy atmosphere amidst the boys.

Theodore eagerly flipped through the pages of the photo album until he found the picture he wanted to show her. When Cassiopeia saw the photo, her heart skipped a beat. It was the same photo she had used to introduce people from the past to Draco.

The resemblance between her and the girl in the photograph was uncanny. The room was filled with a sense of wonder and intrigue as they gazed at the image.

Cassiopeia's heart raced as she looked at the photograph Theodore had found, and he began to explain the story behind it. According to him, her father had told him about a twin sister of Braxton Lestrange who had been mysteriously murdered.

"My father said, my grandfather's friend had a twin sister called Cassiopeia Lestrange. And she was murdered mysteriously," Theodore shared, making Cassiopeia's grip on Pansy tighten. "I remember you because of your name, then he showed me. She looks like you."

The others in the room, including Pansy, Blaise, and Gregory, were baffled by the significance of this discovery.

"So what's the point of showing it to her?" Pansy asked, giving Cassiopeia's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're talking like she's some kind of time traveler or something."

"Agree," Blaise chimed in. "What's the point of showing it?"

Just then, Tom appeared behind them, inquiring about the commotion. Theodore eagerly showed him the album, specifically the photograph that resembled Cassiopeia.

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