130: Graduation Gifts

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Loving Cassie,

Here's what you wanted, darling. It wasn't hard for me to get access to Bella's vault at Gringotts.

Waiting to see you, sweetheart.

Your ever-loving auntie,


Cassiopeia quickly opened the parcel her aunt sent, revealing a small golden cup – Helga Hufflepuff's cup. It had two finely-wrought handles with a badger emblem, representing Hufflepuff House. She smiled and placed it into a black wooden box, where two other heirlooms resided – Salazar Slytherin's Locket and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem.

These items didn't belong to them but to a place. Cassiopeia wanted to keep them there. She closed the box and left her dormitory.

It was the last day of Hogwarts, graduation day. The place held a plethora of unforgettable memories for her – it's where she found her soulmate, made lifelong friends, and, of course, where she encountered her enemies, notably one person.

Just a month ago, they faced the N.E.W.T. exams. Tom had achieved "Outstanding" in all his subjects, while Cassiopeia received "Outstanding" in five subjects, with the rest being "Exceeds Expectations." Her top scores were in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic.

Draco's grades matched hers, except that he received an "Outstanding" in Astronomy. Pansy and Blaise achieved "Exceeds Expectations" in all subjects, giving them the qualifications they needed for Ministry jobs.

Theodore Nott, who had previously argued with a foul mouth, ended up with "Acceptable" in three subjects and "Poor" in others, leaving him relatively speechless.

Cassiopeia knew that there was a high likelihood of her becoming the Potions teacher at Hogwarts. She gathered her thoughts and headed to the Common Room.

Juniors were wishing the graduating seniors farewell. She couldn't find her friends in the crowd, so she apparated directly in front of the headmaster's office.

Before she could even knock on the door, it swung open, startling her. She saw Professor Dumbledore sitting at his desk, and Harry stood in front of him, engrossed in conversation.

"Professor Dumbledore," she said, stepping into the office with some uncertainty. Seeing Harry there put her at ease.

Dumbledore was seated, and Harry stood across from him. It seemed like she had interrupted their discussion.

"Good evening, Cassiopeia," the headmaster greeted her with a warm smile, and she returned it with a nod. "What brings you here at the last moment, child?"

She cleared her throat and stood next to Harry, placing the wooden box on Dumbledore's desk. The headmaster's brow furrowed as he glanced at the box before turning his attention to her.

"Well, sir... umm," she began, pressing her lips together and nodding. "I thought these objects should belong to Hogwarts – the heirlooms."

Dumbledore's eyes widened as he carefully took the box. With a click, he opened it, revealing the contents.

"Slytherin Locket, Ravenclaw Diadem, and Hufflepuff Cup," Cassiopeia explained as his eyes were fixed on them. Then he placed the opened box on the table.

"Where did you find these?" he inquired, while Harry inspected the heirlooms. "The Slytherin Locket should be in the Crystal Cave."

"Did you know that?" Cassiopeia gasped with wide eyes. "You went there?"

Harry nodded, and Cassiopeia decided that it was time to reveal everything to him. He already knew half of the story, and sharing the rest wouldn't harm anyone, especially Tom, since Dumbledore had assured them that the Ministry wouldn't discover Tom's presence.

She explained the entire story of her dreams, from how she found Tom in the Chamber of Secrets to the attack by Bellatrix. At certain points, both Harry and Dumbledore gasped in amazement, particularly when she told them about opening the Chamber of Secrets and persuading Tom to feel remorse.

"It sounds ingenious, but also terrible," Harry said, placing the box on the table. "But you've proven one thing."

"What's that?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Every human's life is worth the same and worth saving," Dumbledore chimed in, making Cassiopeia smile. "I think you can return to Hogwarts next year, as an assistant teacher for Professor Slughorn."

"Seriously?" Cassiopeia beamed as Dumbledore nodded and handed her a sealed envelope. "Hogwarts appointment letter."

"Oh, Merlin," she grinned, looking at the professor. "Thank you very much, Professor. This—this means a lot."



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to teach Potions at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, starting from the term beginning on 1st September.

Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

"You finally did it, love," Tom kissed Cassiopeia on the cheek once they both read the letter together in his dorm. "I'm happy for you."

"I still can't believe it," Cassiopeia smiled, folding the letter and placing it on the table. "What are you going to do after graduation?"

"Marrying you, of course," he replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, causing her cheeks to flush at the thought. "I want to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but I don't think Dumbledore will allow it."

"Did you talk to him?" Cassiopeia asked, to which he nodded. "What did he say?"

"Actually, um... I went to apologize," he stammered, widening Cassiopeia's eyes in surprise. "And I apologized to Draco and Harry too."

"You did?" Cassiopeia gasped, still finding it hard to believe what she was hearing. He had apologized to people he didn't like at all. "You are not a bad person, Tom. What makes you bad or good is your choices. Your choices reveal who you truly are, far more than your capabilities."

"I'm sorry," he held her hand, ushering her to sit on his lap, which she did without hesitation. He continued, "I'm sorry for suspecting you."

"It hurts to have to prove yourself countless times," Cassiopeia remarked, playing with the buttons of his shirt. "I never thought you would break all the promises you made not to leave me."

"I'm here right now," he lifted her chin to face him. "We are inseparable."

He cupped her face with his left hand and kissed her, while his thumb caressed her cheek. The kiss was long and passionate, fueled with love. His other hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer, while she wrapped her arms around him, running her fingers through his thick hair.

The kiss soon turned into a passionate make-out session, and neither of them wanted to part. They had missed this closeness too much after months of separation.

"Colloportus," he murmured.


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