26: Fawkes's Tears

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Cassiopeia carefully read the letter that had arrived for her. The contents left her both intrigued and apprehensive.

Dear Cassiopeia,

I hope you are well now as you read this letter. Professor Binns informed me about your visit, and I believe you now have a clearer understanding of your true identity. I had not expected this revelation to come so soon.

I wish to inform you that, the battle against Voldemort, Harry requires your assistance more than anyone else's. You were the person closest to Tom Riddle, and that connection is invaluable. I look forward to meeting you when you enter Hogwarts in your fifth year.

Furthermore, I have sent you a small gift, which was originally given to Cassiopeia Lestrange by Fawkes. It was he who recognized your true nature. You share the gift of healing, just as he used his tears, and you employ your pure heart. Therefore, this gift rightfully belongs to you, as you were unable to use it before your untimely demise.

Albus Dumbledore

Cassiopeia set the letter aside and removed the tiny bag from the envelope. She unzipped it, revealing a slender bottle filled with crystal-clear liquid. It didn't take her long to realize that it contained Fawkes's tears.

She stared at the small bottle for a moment, her thoughts spinning in various directions. The first thing she needed to find out was what had happened to Tom Riddle's diary. She recalled Harry telling her that the diary, which contained sixteen years' worth of Tom's memories, had been destroyed at the end of the second year. But what had become of the diary afterward? She needed to uncover that first.

Then there were the other Horcruxes Tom had created. How many were there, and how could she identify them? It was a complex task. To reverse the Horcrux, she would need to locate not only the diary but also any other Horcruxes that existed. And then there was the question of what Tom now looked like. Had he aged into an old man, or had he transformed into something more sinister?

An idea suddenly struck her, prompting her to leave her room and head to Draco's. She stood by his door, contemplating how to broach the subject.

You can do this, Cassiopeia.

After taking a deep breath, she knocked twice. On the third knock, Draco opened the door. He looked at her in disbelief, as she rarely visited his room. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"Actually, um... I need a favor," she began, earning a furrowed brow from Draco. She approached him and lowered her voice. "I want to see Abraxas Malfoy's room."

"What?" His eyebrows shot up. "What's the deal with his room?"

"I believe there might be something important from that era," she shrugged and stepped back as he emerged from his room. He gestured for her to follow him down the corridor.

"I'm curious to know what it is," Draco commented as they walked through the dimly lit hallway.

"Same here," Cassiopeia replied, but then Draco abruptly halted. She furrowed her brows, lines forming on her forehead. "Why?"

"Do you not know what you're searching for?" Draco questioned, looking at her.

"No, I don't," she replied casually. "I thought there might be something important related to me, considering I was—"

"Engaged," he smirked.

"One of his friends," she retorted, shooting him a death glare. Draco's lips curved into a smug smile, and he shook his head, clearly enjoying getting under her skin.

They turned a corner into an unfamiliar corridor, where Cassiopeia had never been before. Draco led her to a closed door, its doorknob covered in cobwebs, as was the top of the doorway.

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