94: A Heartfelt Conversation

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Cassiopeia Black turned the pages of a borrowed potion book as she sat under the oak tree in the afternoon with Draco. First-year students played nearby, and a group of third-years practiced charms. Meanwhile, their best friends, Blaise and Pansy, were engaged in a passionate embrace in the boys' lavatory. Cassiopeia and Draco, however, were determined to maintain their excellent grades and were immersed in their books.

"Did you talk about your nightmares with Astoria?" Cassiopeia asked, glancing up from her book.

"Not yet," Draco replied, closing his own book. "She's really a good person, but I don't want her to go through my shit, plus I'm not as close to her as I am with you."

They both spent their leisure time reading under the tree, determined not to let their grades slip.

"If you talk and be open with her, you can maintain a good relationship, you know?" Cassiopeia advised. "Then it won't feel like something arranged."

"What if she thinks I'm weak?" Draco questioned, resting his head on her shoulder. "You know, girls don't like crybabies."

"You're not a crybaby, idiot," Cassiopeia laughed, closing her book. "Do you like her?"

"It's complicated," he sighed. "She's pretty, and she's an understanding person. She's like you, not caring about blood purity like her sister."

Cassiopeia couldn't help but smile, seeing Draco look at Astoria in a different light. "What do you think? Do you love her?"

"I don't know, but sometimes I feel like I've fallen for her," he admitted, moving his head to rest on her shoulder properly. "I realized it a few days ago. The way she talks is like music to my ears."

"Oh, Drakie boy is in love, huh?" Cassiopeia teased. "So, why don't you tell her about your nightmares?"

"She's innocent, Cassie," he sounded worried. "How can I tell her I was a Death Eater and have a nightmare every day that makes me cry?"

"Everyone's not perfect," she reassured him. "Love is about accepting imperfections and making it a perfect relationship. Two people have to understand each other's weaknesses so they can work through them."

He hummed in agreement as they sat together outdoors, feeling the warm breeze against their skin. The summer holidays were only a few days away, and Cassiopeia looked forward to meeting Tom.

"We got a chance to grow closer because of Blaise and Pansy, just like when we were kids," Draco mused.

"Yeah," Cassiopeia admitted. "That's really great."

"I can't even imagine a life without you, Cassie," Draco sighed. "If you weren't here, I don't know what would happen to me."

"I thought I'm annoying," she giggled as he elbowed her. "Ouch, what was that for?"

"You know, I was joking," he groaned. "To be honest, you're like a sister to me. We grew up together."

"I don't think sisters kiss each other the way you did," she commented sarcastically. "You said you loved me and tried to make me use you as a distraction."

"I know, right? It's because I never wanted to let you go," he confessed. "I was afraid of seeing you leave me and dating someone else. Then I wouldn't have you around, because you're my comfort zone."

"But that doesn't excuse your stupidity," she rolled her eyes. "Just because I date someone, it doesn't mean the bond between us is ruined."

"I didn't want you to leave me. Now you're with Tom," he said, leaning back against the oak trunk like her. "The manor is silent, there are no more fights and bickering."

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