72: A Chance at Love

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Tom Riddle found himself reading Cassiopeia's letter repeatedly, each time fueling his anticipation to see her. He couldn't help but feel impatient. It had been a long journey since the day his world had seemingly shattered fifty years ago. Yet, life had granted him a chance – a chance to reunite with his angel, to bestow upon her the love he had yearned to give, and to protect her from any harm. Cassiopeia had changed everything about him, leaving him contemplating what had happened to the once sinister Voldemort.

For Tom, being with her was the most precious gift life could offer – true love. When he was merely eleven, a girl with beautiful blue eyes had entered his life, sitting opposite him at the Slytherin table alongside her twin. Despite his initial hesitation, he had allowed her into his world. There was something about her that made him feel comfortable, a feeling that was rare in his life.

As he realized he had fallen in love with her, fear gripped him. Love was a foreign concept, and he questioned the emotions coursing through him. Yet, when he mustered the courage to confess his feelings, he was surprised to find her reciprocating. It brought him to life in a way he had never imagined, and he was willing to sacrifice his entire existence for her happiness. He never wanted to be apart from her; he longed to merge their souls into one.

She was the only one who could fill the void in his life. The emptiness he felt when he believed he had lost her had been excruciating. The need for revenge against those who had taken her away consumed him, making him wish to extract the murderer's soul while they were still alive. What he hadn't realized was that the murderer had always been by his side.

But now, things were different. After nearly fifty years, he had finally reunited with his angel, and he felt complete. All he desired was to keep her by his side, to make love to her just as they had dreamt in the past. However, he was nervous to take that first step. He needed her so much, and yet, he was anxious about how far they could go. Was she ready? Did she want to take it slow?

Despite living with her for days, he felt like a new lover, a teenage boy experiencing love for the first time, despite his theoretical age of seventy.

Kreacher's voice broke his reverie as the elf inquired, "Mr. Riddle, how's Miss. Arctula?"

Tom shifted his gaze from the letter to Kreacher and replied, "She's doing well. She'll be back here for Christmas."

The letter in his hand, bearing Cassiopeia's beautiful handwriting, served as a reminder of the love that had rekindled in his life. He yearned for a return to Hogwarts, not as its enigmatic teacher, but as a student once again. His thoughts were consumed by memories of the days when they were young lovers, enveloped in the embrace of their forbidden passion.

The vivid recollections of their stolen moments together left an ache deep within his chest. He longed for the stolen glances, the whispered confessions, and the fiery desires that had once bound them together. Those memories were etched into his soul, a reminder of a time when their love had forged a world of its own.

In his mind's eye, he could vividly trace the contours of Cassiopeia's body, every curve, every inch of her. The echoes of her moans and whispered words of affection resonated in his ears. He missed the intensity of their passion, the way they had explored the boundaries of pleasure and pain. The longing for her, both physically and emotionally, was almost unbearable.

He could hear her laughter, see the sparkle in her eyes, and feel her presence as if she were right there with him. But she was miles away, and Tom yearned to bridge that distance, to bring her back into his arms.

"I hope Miss. Arctula is enjoying her time with her friends," Kreacher's voice, tinged with concern, broke through his reverie.

Tom remembered a conversation with Kreacher a couple of days ago. The loyal elf had spoken of Cassiopeia's kindness, her sensitivity, and her unwavering desire to bring happiness to those around her. Kreacher had emphasized the importance of her happiness and cautioned Tom against causing her any sorrow.

"She's with Malfoy, Kreacher. She's in good company," Tom assured the elf, though his thoughts lingered on Cassiopeia's well-being.

Tom often found himself pondering the unique bond between Cassiopeia and Kreacher. Unlike many pure-blood families who treated house elves as little more than servants, Cassiopeia had shown them respect and kindness. She had always been the exception in her family, standing up against those who mistreated their loyal elves. Tom admired her for this, and he couldn't help but notice the special connection she shared with Kreacher.

Kreacher had shared stories of Cassiopeia's upbringing, her genuine care for the elves, and her unwavering loyalty to her family. Tom had been deeply affected by the elf's words, realizing how Cassiopeia's actions were a reflection of her kindness and the principles she held dear. It pained him to acknowledge that his own actions had caused her so much pain. She had lost her biological family, her adoptive family, and even her uncle Sirius Black, all because of him. Yet, she had accepted and forgiven him, never forsaking him. She had become the brightest light in his life, his angel, whom he loved with all his heart.

As Tom moved away from the kitchen counter, heading to his room, he couldn't help but reflect on the complexity of his emotions. Harry Potter's words echoed in his mind,

"You'll never know love and friendship, and I feel sorry for you."

Potter was wrong. Tom had known love and friendship through one person in the world. He had lost that love and found it again, and through Cassiopeia, he had come to understand that love was not a weakness but a reason to live.

In the end, there was just one word that encapsulated the beautiful emotions in his heart: Cassiopeia.


I just wanted to show how Tom feels without her by his side and a small history of their love story!!!

Hope you like it :)

~ monoceros_x 💕

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