95: Kreacher's Liberty

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The sixth year had proven to be quite successful for Cassiopeia. She had managed to secure the top grades in her batch, closely followed by Draco, while Hermione had taken the third spot. It was a surprising turn of events to see Hermione Granger, the ever-diligent student, in the third position. Despite the achievement, Hermione didn't appear overly impressed, as it was two Slytherins had outperformed her.

Draco couldn't resist gloating when he encountered Hermione in person. "Finally, you've found your place, mudblood," he would jest, earning him a reproachful glance from Cassiopeia, who promptly dragged him away, offering Hermione an apologetic look.

The trio's academic achievements were not the only highlight of the year. Both Cassiopeia and Draco had turned seventeen before the summer holidays, allowing them to obtain their apparition licenses. However, Pansy still had to wait for another month. Blaise, ever the considerate friend, promised to wait and take the test with Pansy so that she wouldn't be left without a license.

Cassiopeia informed Tom about their plan to stay in Little Hangleton for the summer, a plan he readily embraced. He eagerly awaited their arrival to meet the other guests.

As the Hogwarts Express arrived at the platform, the students disembarked, and the friends gathered. Pansy was quick to congratulate Cassiopeia and Draco on their top positions in their batch.

"What a year!" Pansy remarked as she stepped off the train after Cassiopeia. "I'm glad to see you two at the top of our class."

"Thank you," Cassiopeia replied with a smile, scanning the platform for the others. "Where are the rest?"

"We're here," Blaise stated as he approached, with Draco trailing behind, carrying his trunks. "The Greengrass sisters and Theodore will be joining us."

Theodore Nott was a tall, blond-haired young man with piercing golden-brown eyes. His stance on blood purity had been known to clash with Cassiopeia's beliefs, but they had never engaged in heated debates.

"Glad to see you all," a familiar voice greeted them, causing Cassiopeia to turn around.

Unable to contain her excitement, she dropped her trunk and ran into Tom's arms, wrapping herself around him tightly. Tom reciprocated, holding her close and breathing in the scent of her hair.

"Tom, I missed you so much," she chuckled, not wanting to let go. "I've been counting the days until I could see you."

"Same here, my darling," Tom replied, pressing a kiss to her neck before finally releasing her. "Don't you want to introduce the new faces?"

Cassiopeia turned to see the three people they had been waiting for approaching.

"These are Astoria Greengrass, Draco's fiancée, and her sister Daphne Greengrass, along with Theodore Nott, Daphne's fiancé," she introduced with a warm smile, and Tom nodded, extending his hand to each of them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Raven," Theodore greeted Tom, extending his hand. "It's an honor to meet an American pure-blood wizard."

Tom shook Theodore's hand, offering a charming smile. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Nott. It's a pleasure to meet you both, Miss Greengrass."

The sisters nodded in acknowledgment. Cassiopeia couldn't help but feel like their group had grown significantly. She had always been comfortable with their small circle, but now they were eight. Nevertheless, it was only for a week, and she looked forward to making the most of their time together with Tom.


"I feel like throwing up." Pansy lamented as Cassiopeia apparated her into the Riddle House. "I'm scared that I won't be able to get the license."

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