83: Baking and Secrets

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"Merlin, Cassie!!! Am I dreaming?" Draco asked, rubbing his eyes as if he couldn't believe Cassiopeia had baked some Christmas cookies.

It was the afternoon he arrived in Little Hangleton in response to Cassiopeia's mail. He had brought her Christmas present, a black knitted cardigan she had always loved.

"No, you aren't," Cassiopeia replied proudly, sitting next to him. "Just have tea and tell me how good it is?"

"Did you use magic?" Draco's brows furrowed as he took a sip from the cup of tea. "Can't be, you cannot make tea like this."

"C'mon, Draco," Cassiopeia nudged his shoulder. "I learned it all from a muggle book I bought when I was out with Tom. You know he changed his hair color and got muggle contact lenses."

"Seriously?" Draco's wide eyes met hers. "Dark Lord never liked mudblood things."

"Muggles," Cassiopeia corrected him, scowling and playfully hitting the back of his head. A small amount of tea dropped onto his black coat, making him curse under his breath.

"Ouch, you idiot," he said, placing the cup on the stool and cleaning the mess with his wand. "Haven't you been taught not to hit someone when they're eating?"

"You were drinking, my dear," Cassiopeia remarked as she stood up. "Stay here; I'll let him know that I'm going out with you."

He nodded, and Cassiopeia left him in the visiting room. She made her way to the library, knowing he spent most of his time there.

She opened the library door, and he sat facing away from her, engrossed in a book. He didn't flinch or turn around when she entered.

Cassiopeia crept up to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey!" she smiled as he turned to return the kiss. "Busy reading?"

"Yeah, at what time are you leaving?" He asked, closing the book. Cassiopeia removed her arms when he tried to stand up. Instead, he pulled his chair closer and moved her onto his lap.

"Draco is here now," Cassiopeia informed him, propping her elbow against the table as she looked at him. "I came to tell you that I'm going."

"Why can't you tell me where you are going?" Tom raised a brow. "Just tell me. If it's for birthday purposes, let me tell you that I'm not celebrating those mudblood things."

"Tom!" Cassiopeia hit the side of his head, frowning.

"Why can't you people use the term 'Muggle' instead of mudblood'?" She muttered. "They aren't as bad as we think."

"Jesus, Cassie," Tom rubbed his head in pain. "Don't do that again."

"I don't know why you people despise them so much," Cassiopeia said, standing up with a frown on her face. "Even your—"

She stopped in the middle of her sentence, remembering what had happened when she mentioned the same topic in her dreams. She pressed her lips together, and Tom furrowed his brows.

"I should go," Cassiopeia said, bending down to give him a peck on the lips. "I'll come back soon, love."

Tom nodded and grabbed both her hands, not letting her leave. "What were you going to say?" He inquired, looking her in the eyes. "Why did you stop?"

"I—I was going to say—" Cassiopeia bit her bottom lip, unsure of what to say.

"Cassie, are you in there?" She heard Draco knocking at the door, and silently thanked him for giving her an excuse to escape this difficult question.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I just thought—" Draco began.

"No, I was about to come," Cassiopeia interrupted him before he could turn and leave. She looked at Tom, whose eyes were still fixed on her.

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