13: Reconnecting Bonds

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Cassiopeia emerged from the bathroom, her damp hair dripping water as she stepped into the dormitory. To her surprise, Pansy's arms enveloped her, holding her tightly, offering warmth in the chilly room.

"Oh Merlin, where were you, Cassie?" Pansy's voice was filled with relief and genuine concern, a stark contrast to the indifference Cassiopeia had felt from her before. It was as if a veil had lifted, revealing a caring friend. Pansy pulled back slightly, her eyes scanning Cassiopeia for any signs of distress. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Cassiopeia was taken aback by this sudden change in Pansy's behavior. She had expected indifference, not genuine concern. She nodded, still processing the fact that Pansy cared about her well-being. "I'll tell you, but let me get dressed first."

Pansy nodded, releasing her, and as they conversed, Blaise's sleep-filled voice suddenly erupted from his bed, demanding quiet.

"Why the hell are you guys so loud? Let me sleep!" he grumbled, half-asleep, rubbing his eyes. His startled expression when he finally noticed the room's commotion made both Cassiopeia and Pansy burst into laughter. Blaise had an amusing way of reacting to the world.

Draco, however, remained in a deep slumber, strands of his blonde hair covering half his forehead. Cassiopeia realized she had never seen him this vulnerable. In their childhood, they had occasionally fallen asleep together after playing games, but she distinctly remembered that he never spoke in his sleep. Yet here he was, muttering and showing signs of distress. Cassiopeia and Pansy exchanged confused glances.

"What's happening to him?" Pansy inquired, her eyes never leaving Draco.

Cassiopeia, just as baffled, approached Draco, who continued to mumble incoherently in his sleep.

"Draco," she called softly, attempting to wake him. Her gentle touch on his forehead seemed to stir him, and his eyebrows knitted in response to the disturbance. He appeared to be sweating.

Blaise, sensing something was amiss, stepped in. "What's going on with Draco?"

Cassiopeia shook her head, signaling her lack of understanding.

"Draco, wake up," she said, shaking him more vigorously. Finally, his eyes fluttered open, and both Pansy and Cassiopeia let out relieved sighs. "What happened?"

Draco stared at Cassiopeia, then Pansy, and finally Blaise, as though he had returned from another world. Blaise, however, broke the silence with a chuckle.

"I think you had a vision of Alastor Moody turning you into a ferret again," he said, his laughter evident. He stood up, threw his sheets onto Pansy's bed, and settled in front of the girls. Cassiopeia was left dumbfounded, glancing between the three of them.

"Turning to a ferret? Again? He did once?" Cassiopeia confusion questioned everything at once. Blasie chuckled as sitting on Pansy's bed, opposite of the cousins. Pansy took the seat next to him.

"One question at a time" Blaise remarked, still plastering that humour on his face while Draco remained silent. This is the first time Cassiopeia see him, staying without a word against the person who tries to tease him.

"Alright then, tell me the tale of Moody's ferret" Cassiopeia inquired, combining the less details left from Blaise.

"Draco was mocking Potter, suddenly from nowhere Moody appeared defending Potter turning Draco to a ferret" Blaise explained even Draco sent a death glare his way. Cassiopeia found herself laughing to tears.

"Oh, how I've missed my cousin turning into a ferret," she laughed, tears forming in her eyes.

"The best part is, Cassie, Moody made him crawl into Crabbe's pants, and Goyle had to retrieve him. Draco bit Goyle," Blaise explained, sending the room into uncontrollable laughter.

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