60: Confrontation

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Cassiopeia sat alone in the room adorned with the Black Family tree on the wall, feeling the weight of loneliness and loss pressing down on her. She pondered the strange sense of brokenness she felt regarding a person she had known for only a year. It all stemmed from her uncle's promises of becoming a proper family and being the father she had never had. Those dreams were now shattered, leaving Cassiopeia alone in the world.

She gazed at the names of her mother, father, and her uncle Sirius on the family tree. Her isolation felt particularly harsh when she thought of Harry, who had lost his parents and his godfather but had found a surrogate family in the Weasleys.

Cassiopeia had left Malfoy Manor, losing the only mother figure she had known and her dream of having a brother. She felt entirely isolated, without any friends or family to turn to. She lied to Harry, telling him she would stay with the Malfoys during the holidays while informing Draco the opposite, all to keep herself away from others.

It had been a month since Hogwarts had started, but no one knew she was living in Grimmauld Place except Kreacher. The loyal house-elf did his best to console her, but nothing seemed to lift her spirits. Alcohol and muggle cigarettes were her coping mechanisms, allowing her to temporarily escape from the harsh reality she faced.

Kreacher urged her to return to Hogwarts for her sixth year, but she resisted. She couldn't face her housemates' mockery and taunts in her current state. Cassiopeia felt herself growing weaker and more vulnerable.

Sitting in her room, she pointed her wand at the names of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, burning them off the family tree. They didn't deserve a place there. Next, she repaired the name of Sirius and other family members that had been damaged. They had done nothing wrong, and she wouldn't let their names be tarnished.

Intoxicated and lost, Cassiopeia dropped the remainder of the liquid from her bottle and lit a cigarette, letting the smoke fill the room.

A sudden noise outside the room caught her attention. She called for Kreacher but received no response. Curiosity led her to her feet, leaving the empty bottle on the floor and clutching her wand.

A chilling wind enveloped her, and she sensed someone's presence behind her. Before she could turn around, a voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Cassie," the monstrous voice from the Ministry spoke her name. Her cigarette fell from her trembling hand, and she turned around slowly, recognizing the hairless, pale man with scarlet eyes standing before her. Fear gripped her like a vice.

"It took fifty years to see you again," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle and kind. He approached her, and she instinctively moved back, trapped between fear and curiosity.

"Are you afraid of me, Cassie?" he asked, his browless face showing a hint of emotion. Cassiopeia's response was a hesitant shake of her head, followed by a nod. She couldn't find her voice, and the man's chuckle, though different from what she had imagined or seen in her dreams, only deepened the mystery of his intentions.

Cassiopeia, her voice trembling, stammered out his name, "To—tom." She looked into the scarlet eyes that once were the pair of dark brown eyes she fell hard for. She dared to speak words she never expected to utter, especially to the dark wizard whose name no one dared to say. "You aren't a monster. You still have time to change, to be a man."

She took a hesitant step closer, her emotions overpowering the anger that had consumed her in recent days. Despite the grief and anger from losing her loved ones, Cassiopeia was trying to persuade the man before her to find remorse so that she could retrieve the Tom Riddle she had loved.

"Can't you see how much power I've gained, Cassie?" He spoke as he walked around her, his wand dangling between his fingers.

"Did you have the power to save me? Did you have the power to recapture the love I gave you years ago, Tom?" Cassiopeia asked, her voice quivering, as she took a deep breath.

"I'm not Tom," he replied, standing behind her. "I'm Voldemort."

"I know no Voldemort," she responded. "I know the man I loved, and—" She sighed, realizing her naivety. "I know the man I love still, he's Tom Riddle."

A heavy silence hung in the room as he stood in front of her, locking his scarlet eyes with her tear-filled ones. A single tear fell from her eye, and she fought to suppress her sobs. "Do you love me?" he asked, his emotions flickering across his face.

"I love you, Tom," Cassiopeia said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I never want to lose you." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she reached out and caressed his rough cheek.

A strange transformation seemed to occur. She knew it was possible. If the prophecy was to be believed, she could bring back the Tom Riddle she loved. "Please, Tom, try to be a man. Fear is not true power. Have you ever considered what our life could have been if you had never created Horcruxes? We could have had a happy life together, just as you said you could be part of my dreams, my loving husband, and the father of our children."

"Please don't," he implored, closing his eyes.

"No, I won't," she said, resolute. "I know you're there, Tom. Fate has given you a second chance. If you regret what you've done, you can be a man, please."

As she finished speaking, he opened his eyes and gazed at her, his expression hard to read. "Remember, I will never leave you unless you want me to," Cassiopeia continued, her heart racing. "Let me illuminate your brighter side. Let me be your angel, Tom."

"It's painful," he muttered, and Cassiopeia's brows furrowed.

His wand slipped from his hand, and his body began to shake. His lips trembled, and his eyes rolled back as he collapsed to the ground.

"No, Tom," Cassiopeia cried out, her heart pounding. She cast spells to secure the room and muffling spells to keep any potential Death Eaters from hearing. She knelt beside him as he screamed in pain, her ears nearly deafened by his cries.

"It's paining, Cass," his voice changed, sounding like a sixteen-year-old Horcrux memory.

Her hand gently pat his cheek, trying to keep him conscious. She could sense that the pain was tearing him apart.

"Tom, look at me. Please," she pleaded, guiding him to sit on the floor.

He clutched her arms, his grip tightening as another scream escaped his lips, making her numb with worry.

"I—I ca—can't," he stuttered, his grip growing stronger, his dry palms regaining their normal feel.

Something incredible was happening. Cassiopeia noticed his pale skin slowly transitioning into a healthier complexion. As she caressed his back, his body became heavier, and when she touched his bald head, her hand met a thick mane of hair.

Gasping, she realized that she was feeling the very hair she had often dreamed of running her fingers through.

His breathing grew unsteady, and she could feel his heartbeat against her chest. Another anguished scream filled the room, making her shudder.

And then, it all stopped. His struggle against the pain, his unsteady breath, his screams—all ceased.

Had she truly lost him?

Cassiopeia quickly reversed the spells she had cast on the room and yelled for Kreacher.

Author's Note

The moment you've been waiting for! Tom Riddle is back! Let's celebrate this long-awaited reunion after sixty chapters. 🥳


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